Sunday, November 20, 2011

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Cu Chi Tunnel

As one of the members of a tour group of 23 persons, we visited Cu Chi Tunnel for six hours. Cu Chi Tunnel is a 250 kilometers winding deep in three levels, a labyrinth of intricate ways the Viet Minh started constructing in 1940 against the French colonialists. It is located about 70 kilometers north of Ho Chi Minh City.

To the Vietnamese, Cu Chi Tunnels of underground dugouts, multi-levels, served as meeting places, living, fighting, hospital, and defence areas, among others. It represents the firm will, the intelligence, and the Vietnamese pride. It symbolizes the heroism of the people of Vietnam who conferred the honorable name: Cu Chi Tunnels, "the steely land and the bronze citadel."

In Banga, Aklan, under the leadership of Mayor Antonio Mameng, "Pagaeaw aeaw" is celebrated in October 2010 and in 2011. This is a celebration where 400 male "Banganhons" were massacred by the Japanese Imperial army on October 21, 1943.

Every March 23 of every year, Aklanons celebrate 19 martyrs. This is a celebration how the Spaniards killed the 19 Aklanon patriots as portrayed in the re-enactment.

There must be some amendments in the contents of our celebration by portraying more triumphs than defeats. This way, we will generate more admiration to our forefathers rather than pity.

Can you believe the Vietnamese were able to drive out two super powers? The French in 1954 after a century of colonization which started in 1853 and the Americans in 1975 after 20 years of bombardments since 1955.

Today, Vietnam is showing the way among the Southeast Asian countries. She is now producing surplus rice for export, people are peaceful, happy, and contented. In the current SEA Games, Vietnam is running second after Indonesia while the Philippines is in the sixth place following Malaysia. The Vietnamese has three times more medals than the Philippines.

When can the Philippines catch up and recover her lost glory in economics, peace and order, governance, and her biosphere?

The Philippines can only catch up with other countries after her people becomes honest, industrious, thrifty, peaceful, and when the members of the bureaucracy act with integrity, accountability, and transparency.

Mekong Delta

Mekong river is the third longest in Asia. It spans in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. The Vietnamese is profiting more out of Mekong river for agriculture, tourism, transportation, and industries. For a day tour, I visited My Tho, Mekong Delta, known as the rice bowl of Vietnam. This is about 80 kilometers away from Ho Chi Minh City. The Vietnamese produces an average of 100 bags of palay per hectare per harvest. This is 15 bags over the average production of the Filipino farmer.

I asked what are the practices they follow in farming. Their answers are effective irrigation system, positive work ethics of the Vietnamese farmers, and the application of the recommended farm technologies. And these are true to vegetables and trees, livestock, and poultry.

From the mainland Vietnam, we rode in motorboat and upon reaching the islets, we transferred to the rowboat paddled by two women with four of us passengers. We visited Turtle, Dragon, and Phoenix islets. In Turtle, we witnessed the demonstrations processing of various coconut products like candies. In Dragon, honey bee culture was shown, and in Phoenix, there were cultural presentations in songs and dances. Local food preparations like vegetables and fruits from their farms were shown and served to us.

I did not see any Bakhawan tree but all Nipa plants along the river banks. How to eat Nipa fruits was demonstrated to us. Phoenix cultures honey bee, processes honey and sells it.

In all our travel tour, we were brought to ceramic factories. We visited three factories where the production processes were explained. At the end of the briefing, marketing was done.

Yes, I discovered that no natural shell is being used in the manufacture of ceramics. They are all using eggshells that appear like pearls or sea shells in ceramics products like flower vases, trees, and wall decors.

The next column will concern about the 125 years struggle of the Vietnamese for independence (1854-1954) against the French, and 20 years (1955-1975) struggle against the United States of America.

Understanding what the Vietnamese did to liberate themselves from super powers dominations will serve good lessons and provide bright ideas to liberate poor Filipinos from the bondage of poverty.

The next issue will be how the Americans involved themselves in the Vietnam War. /MP

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