Sunday, November 06, 2011

Reason & Concern

by Ronquillo C. Tolentino

A Consummation Devoutly

To Be Wished

CNN’s Senior Vatican analyst John Allen, Jr.projected Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle as a future pope. Calling Tagle as a new papal contender, he asserted that Tagle is a rising star in the Asian Church. Allen asserted that Pope Benedict XVI appointment of Tagle deserves " to be on the global Catholic radar screen". Tagle’s appointment as Manila Archbishop puts him on line to become a cardinal once Benedict XVI hosts a consistory, Allen stressed.

Allen was quick to state however that even if his projection does not come to reality, Arhbishop Tagle is destined to be an important face and voice for the burgeoning Catholic population in Asia and the entire developing world, and that makes him someone getting worth to know.

Tagle was appointed at a young age in l997 to the International Theological Commission after completing his theological studies abroad. The commission is Vatican’s main doctrinal advisory body.

It is hoped that CNN’s John Allen, Jr.’s projection can be a probability. For who would not with for a Pope from the Philippines? To borrow a line from Act III, Scene 1 of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet: " T’is a consummation devoutly to be wished."

The Kalibo Sto. Niño Ati-Atihan Founation Inc. (KASAFI ) braces for the holding of the 2012 Kalibo Santo Niño Ati-Atihan. 

The too successful celebration of the 2011 Santo Niño Ati-Atihan festival done through KASAFI initiatives, planning and management is intended to be replicated, nay, superseded in 2012.

World Health Organization (WHO) listed eleven of the world’s polluted countries as follows: Mongolia, Botswania, Pakistan, Senegal, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Nigeria and Kuwait. These, according to WHO, are countries based on air quality around the globe or are either oil producing or emerging economies that are growing rapidly.

This early in New Washington, Aklan, a political group had been reportedly formed purposely to oppose the incumbent mayor in the 2013 local elections. And they have gone to the barangays (and continuously going).

A group has not been heard of to oppose the Miraflores-Marquez team for congressman and governor in the 2013 elections. 2013 is not far away, really if you just observe and hear people talking about politics and elections. /MP

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