Thursday, December 22, 2011

AKTOA Induction of Officers

Malinao Vice Mayor Josephine I. Equiña was inducted President with other officers of the Aklan Tourism Officers Association (AKTOA) in a launcheon meeting held on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 at Niños Ihaw-Ihaw Restaurant, Bulwang, Numancia.

Hon. Jose Enrique M. Miraflores, chair SP Committee On Tourism administered the oath of office to the officers for 2011-2014.

Atty. Diego M. Luces, Aklan Provincial Administrator represented the Aklan Provincial Governor. He read the message of Gov. Carlito S. Marquez.

The affair should have started at 9:00 o’clock in the morning but due to the late arrivals of the officers and members who came from the 17 towns of Aklan, the program started at 11:00 o’clock.

Lunch followed the induction ceremony. Afterwhich, the officers and members met in a plenary session to formulate plans, projects, and programs of AKTOA.

The activities ended with the Christmas Party, exchange gifts, and games.

Ms. Roselle Q. Ruiz, Aklan Provincial Tourism Officer give the words of welcome./MP

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