Thursday, December 22, 2011

Alleviating Human Suffering*

* Message of Mr. RAMON "Toto" CUA LOCSIN, member, National Board of Governors PRC & Chairman of PRC, Iloilo Chapter, delivered on the occasion of the 55th Founding Anniversary of PRC – Aklan Chapter on Saturday evening, December 17, 2011, held at APSTAA Center, Kalibo, Aklan.


I am most pleased to join you tonight on the occasion of your 55th Foundation Day. Thank you for inviting me. Being here with you gives me immense pleasure.

More than a century has passed, since the Red Cross was founded under the inspiration of Henry Dunant, yet the noble movement has not for a moment, ceased to be relevant until our times. In fact, in the world over, the Red Cross – now with the Red Crescent – has even surpassed expectations to become a major force to reckon with the sphere of service to humanity.

The Nobel Peace Prize, back in 1901, referred to the Red Cross as the "supreme humanitarian achievement of the nineteenth century."

Everyone who volunteers for the Red Cross, then, should be profoundly proud to be part of this great force, to be an heir or heiress of this great tradition of selfless service. You, our dear Red Crossers in Aklan, should be highly esteemed, just as we commend you for your efforts and sacrifices in enabling the Red Cross here in Aklan to accomplish its mission.

It’s been more than a hundred years ago, since Dunant began this ennobling work, yet, I must emphasize that the purpose set by Dunant and the pioneers is still the same: elimination of human sufferings. Perhaps, we could just add and that the only difference is that the suffering confronted by Dunant and those who closely followed him now come in so many complex forms. Human suffering is now multi-faceted.

This is precisely the reason why, it is my conviction that the Red Cross is still the supreme humanitarian achievement of the twenty-first century. This is echoed in the vision of the Philippine Red Cross, which is to be the "foremost humanitarian organization in the Philippines."

Realizing this vision in the Philippines – and in Aklan in particular – lies in the hearts, minds and hands of people like you who do not mind sacrificing time, talent and other resources to alleviate the suffering of those in disasters, in armed conflict, in vulnerable situations and many other faces of human sufferings.

In your 55th Foundation Celebration, I would like to request you to continue your dedication to the Red Cross as more and more people in crises situations need us and our voluntary service.

• We exist to bring timely, effective and compassionate assistance to the most vulnerable without consideration of nationality, race, religion, gender, social status or political affiliation.

• We strengthen our capability to assist the most vulnerable by expanding our donor base and by increasing the number of our well trained volunteers.

• We honor ourselves, our donors, and volunteers by managing and utilizing our resources effectively, efficiently, with integrity and transparency.

• Our work ethics encourages and rewards teamwork, excellent performance and the achievement of goals.

• We value our staff and volunteer and encourage them to grow their full potential in the organization.

• We are stalwart member of the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement and advocate staunchly its fundamental principles and the International Humanitarian Law.

• We cooperate with our sister National Societies, government and other organizations engaged in humanitarian services and complement each other’s competencies thereby maximizing the delivery of assistance to the vulnerable.

• We are Filipino and by the consistent excellence of our conduct, performance and achievements, we aspire to be worthy representative of the best Filipino values and skills.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for your commendable volunteerism. I hope that through you, the Philippine Red Cross – Aklan Chapter, will play its full and destined part in the service of humanity along with other Red Cross chapters to afford all possible relief and help to the suffering and distressed people wherever and whenever possible.

I wish you all the best even as I assure you of my constant support.

God bless us! /MP

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