Thursday, December 15, 2011

Red Cross In The Hearts of Volunteers


Some 711 delegates from all over the Philippines trooped to the Manila Hotel, Manila to attend the 29th Biennial National Convention of the Philippines Red Cross (PRC). It was held in the Centennial Main Hall on December 7 – 8 attended by Red Cross volunteers from 79 Red Cross chapters who are chapter officers, chapter administrators, and members of the National Board of Governors.

Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino, Vice Mayor Madeline A. Regalado, Engr. Roberto J. Cabigas, Ms. Remia H. Donguines, Ms. Aracely P. Pelayo, and Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente represented the PRC Aklan Chapter. Ms. Vicky Ramos Antonino, Ms. Nieva Mendoza, and Mr. Bernabe Bacani rep-resented PRC Boracay sub-chapter.

The convention activities revolved around the theme: "Red Cross 143 In The Heart of Every Volunteer". The two day convention had Dr. Jacqueline Badcock as the keynote speaker. Dr. Badcock is the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the Philippines. She discussed the United Nations participations in the mitigation of calamities, effects of wars, and other humanitarian programs.

The keynote speech over, the accomplishment report was presented by former senator Richard J. Gordon, PRC chairman, National Board of Governors. He revealed all the last year’s calamities that devastated the Philippines like floods, typhoons, and fires. He pictured what PRC did to alleviate the flights of the victims, where the assistance came from and how the PRC utilized the donations. Gordon also cited the assistance PRC donated to victims of calamities in other countries.

After Gordon, the Treasurer’s Report followed presented by Ms. Leonida B. Ortiz, PRC treasurer. Ms. Corazon Alma G. de Leon, presented the PRC Strategic Plan 2012 – 2016 to the delegates.

Another highlight of the convention was the election of nine (9) members of the National Board of Governors for a four (4) year term. The election was hot but very peaceful. This year’s campaigning was intense compared to the last three elections I attended. The voting was automated that some 408 voting delegates were able to vote in two hours.

Immediately after voting was closed, the top nine (9) winners were announced.

They are: 1. Leonida Ortiz, 2. Mabini Pablo, 3. Leslie Espino, 4. Sherwin Gatchalian, 5. Celso Lobregat, 6. Dakila Carlo Cua, 7. Rosalind Wee, 8. Ma. Carissa Coscolluela, and 9. James Dy.

Some success stories and prospects in the "Red Cross 143 Challenges" were discussed with PRC Governor Juan Miguel F. Zubiri presiding. But it was not all work, for the convention included fellowship, cultural and awards presentation by the delegates. Pangkat Kawayan entertained the delegates with the love songs. Ballroom dancing was held in the evening.

There were four workshop groups which were: 1. Reducing impact of disasters, climate change, public health emergencies and diseases; 2. Improving family, and community health and well being; 3. Reducing unnecessary suffering on armed conflict and other situations of violence; and 4. Strong and well – functioning PRC. /MP

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