Friday, December 09, 2011

Zero Option Against HIV/AIDS


"Getting to Zero" is 2011 theme of World Aids Day celebration which runs December 1-9. Dr. Victor A. Santamaria, OIC-PHO II, Dr. Cornelio V. Cuachon, PHO I and MS. Nuelia P. Zaldivar, HEPO – II, PHO, all key officers in the info education campaign against HIV/AIDS discussed the topic during the Dec. 3, 2011 Kapihan.

Due to the alarming HIV incidence of 25 percent between 2001 and 2009, Philippine health authorities have decided to lengthen the celebration with a view to make significant impact and momentum according to Dr. Santamaria. The Provincial Health Office (PHO) is ably supported by NGO and GO’s particularly Faith-based groups, MOVE, VAWC, Municipal and Provincial Aid Councils.

Community Mobilization Plan targets most vulnerable groups especially sexually active population like teen-agers, OFW’s homosexuals, and bisexuals. In 98 percent of the cases, mode of transmission of the virus is through sexual contact or unprotected sex. Other causes include blood transfusion and mother to child transmission. Nevertheless PHO has three Social Hygiene Clinics in Aklan to address the problem of HIV/AIDS. They are strategically located in Poblacion of Malay, Boracay Island and Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital. Facilities are manned by competent health personnel who conduct pap smear, counselling and dispense free medicine says Dr. Santamaria.

In addition, PHO operates a Condom Vending machine in Boracay and HIV testing machine at DRSTMH, Kalibo. Those persons found HIV/AIDS positive are given free anti retro viral drugs. Protocol observed is confidentiality and closed media coverage to protect honor and integrity of victims.

According to Ms. Zaldivar, there are 34 million victims of HIV/AIDS worldwide, 206 in Western Visayas and 22 in Aklan. PHO has recorded 5 deaths, 7 new cases and 17 receiving intensive treatment. So far worse AIDS cases are concentrated in the African continent claiming 22 million victims.

Meanwhile, Dr. Eric Tayag, Director of National Epidemiology Center reported that the 483 new cases of HIV/AIDS infection in the 1st quarter of 2011 almost all are sexually transmitted. Of these, 46 percent are homosexuals and 34 percent bisexual. Last year, the total victims numbered 12,000 and is expected to rise for the next five years. Actually, 6 to 7 new cases of HIV/AIDS are registered in the Philippines daily.

Dr. Cuachon admits that the scourge of AIDS has grown since the last 30 years prompting the UN to approve the Millennium Development Goals to reduce by half the present data on infant mortality, maternal death and HIV/AIDS by 2015. He strongly advised those most vulnerable groups to follow the most practical and doable strategy which are: a – abstinence, b – be faithful, c – condom, d – drug-free, and e – education.

In a related develop-ment, the province of Aklan will receive P113 million DOH fund in 2012 to upgrade its physical facilities and equipment. It should be recalled that the Provincial Health Investment Plan (2009-2013) of Gov. Carlito S. Marquez gave priority to preventive and curative health care, Dr. Cuachon revealed.

PHO targets zero AIDS discrimination, death, and infection for this year’s observance of World AIDS Day. Ironically since 1997 there has been a dramatic worldwide drop of 21 percent reported cases of HIV/AIDS while the Philippines is surging with new cases. Of the 22 active cases in Aklan only one is a commercial sex worker while a significant number are OFW’s. It is possible that undetected or unreported since duration of vacationing OFW’s especially seamen is less than a month. This is abetted by the fact that presence of HIV/AIDS virus in a person can be asymptomatic or absence of defined symptoms and that reporting or treatment is on purely voluntary basis.

Sex perverts identified as homosexuals and bisexuals must be strongly targeted by PHO since two-thirds of cases occur in this sector. Majority of commercial sex workers usually undergo weekly pap smear in Social Hygiene Clinics but transients and part timers do not. It would be in the interest of society that local ordinance be enacted to compel at risk groups like commercial sex workers. For validity those found negative of STD may be issued pink card to allow entry into the flesh trade.

Homosexual relationship is nothing new because it is recorded since biblical times. Scholars and authors Jennifer Wright Knust and Michael Cooper writing in Newsweek (Feb. 11, 2011) affirm this is the love between King David and Jonathan. "Your love to me was wonderful, laments David at Jonathans’ death, passing the love of women". Men having sex with me is actually sodomy from Sodom and Gomorrahs’ most reviled sex practice. Gay men or women trapped in a man’s body based on medical findings show that 90 percent are at risk of contracting cancer. Of course another strong possibility is HIV/AIDS which until now has no known vaccine effective against the disease.

Campaign against HIV/AIDS like combating crime is necessarily a community undertaking. It is basically a moral problem that eats at the core of Christian belief. If a husband is faithful to his wife there could be no heartache and needless death. Perhaps relevant wisdom is from China – "There are three admonitions for a gentleman: when in the passion of youth, do not indulge in lust, when in the prime of life and vitality, don’t get into a fight and when declining in energy, don’t get greedy". Always remember the dictum: safe sex is always with your wife, not with any other woman or stranger. Getting "zero" can be the best option and resolution this coming year and beyond. /MP

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