Thursday, January 05, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Fast Job?

Which construction firm is doing the road widening of the Bulwang – Laguinbanua, Numancia portion of the Kalibo-Numancia road? Is it the District Engineer’s Office, DPWH, Kalibo, Aklan?

Whether it is being done by the DPWH or by a private contractor, the work is going so slowly, slower than a standing turtle. Should turtle move, that turtle may reach the finish line ahead than the combined personnel and equipment working on that road.

What is holding the road engineers to hasten completion of that road construction job? As an observer and taxpayer, the equipment is quite enough but accomplishment so far does not match the strength. They have been on that job for about three months, but gauge their accomplishments.

Some friends volunteered what is holding them from a fast job. There are electric, telephone, and cable TV posts that block the fast job. There are also some buildings owned by very importance persons which could not just be demolished.

But a friend cut in. Sea waves had destroyed the one kilometer sea wall in Tambak and some 14 residential houses totally damaged. In Taba-aw, Banga, 17 houses were also eroded by the on rushing flood waters in December last year. Why can not a government official extract obedience and compliance to the building code?

P1.08 Million Assistance

In his report to the people on Wednesday morning, Jan. 4, Governor Carlito. S. Marquez announced via RGMA-DYRU he released the calamity fund totaling P1.08 million to help the families rebuild their houses destroyed in December last year.

According to Gov. Marque, 17 houses in Taba-aw, Banga were totally damaged and each family victim was assisted P30,000. In Tambak, New Washington 14 houses were totally damaged and each family victim was assisted P20,000, while the 58 families which houses were partially damaged were provided P5,000.00 each.

Saving The Judiciary

Almost all the members of the bar I talked with believe the Impeachment case filed against Chief Justice Renato Corona will most probably destroy the system, the judiciary. The appointment of Renato Corona as chief justice was strongly objected since the beginning by the present Aquino Administration as it is believed to be “midnight appointment”.

Moreover, Pres. Aquino then believed Corona as Chief Justice will tend to be bias for former president Arroyo. Corona was known to have received more favors from Arroyo and his appointment from Arroyo as Chief Justice will greatly endear more loyalty to Arroyo rather than to the people.

Corona will recip-rocate the favors received from Arroyo or he has no “utang na loob”.

Is Corona more than the judiciary? Is he the judiciary? Yes, he is the Chief Justice. But is he indispensable? If his continued stint as Chief Justice will destroy the judiciary and even the Philippines, he should have the courage to resign from his position to save the judiciary and the nation from destruction. He can sacrifice as one person rather than the whole country to suffer. If he can do the sacrifice, he is one of the Filipino heroes.

What profits Corona even if he won in the impeachment case and destroy the system? What profits the government if it won the case and destroy the judiciary? Chief Justice Corona should give way and sacrifice. /MP

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