Thursday, January 19, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

C. Laserna Is Crowning Glory

At this time, there is a struggle for leadership in C. Laserna, the haven of settlers from other municipalities. There is a competition as to who can lead between Miss Togna and George Calaor on one hand and Mr. Andrewline Sualog on the other. I hope they will have a healthy competition that will redound to the best interest of both the settlers and the municipality of Kalibo and people.

The problem in C. Laserna is a several decades problem which Kalibo LGU officials together with the provincial and national attempted to solve. Yet, until today they are unsuccessful. Some officials are sincere to help the settlers and make Poblacion, Kalibo a conducive place to live in. However, some public officials are expert pretenders that they converted the problems to their strength and opportunities for their own personal interest and gain.

Some public officials wish to maintain the present state of C. Laserna and at the same time maintain it as their political strength. They do not care if C. Laserna is the hosts of beggars, source of troubles, and filth.

C. Laserna can be made into a wholesome place to live in if our political leaders will unite and transform C. Laserna into a community to behold. The people will certainly cooperate if the project is for their own best interest and of the community. I strongly believe C. Laserna will be the best and most sought place if a project is approved and implemented to:

1. Identify the present legitimate families/residents;
2. Design and construct multi-level buildings that can accommodate all the present legitimate dweller/families in C. Laserna;
3. Vacant spaces will be used as parks/plaza and even integrated school for the children;
4. Construct a boulevard along the river bank, in the inner side of it are shops and restaurants and other livelihood projects; and
5. Provide a management team and staff to manage C. Laserna specially the condominium.
This is a simple suggestion which can be improved further by LGU Kalibo with the assistance of urban planner.
The suggestion appears formidable but it is admirable and doable. Let us always remember that “all our dreams will come true if we have the courage to pursue them”.
I hope Kalibo Mayor William Lachica will pick up and consider my humble idea. I say Mayor, “you are only an attitude away from success”.
C. Laserna will be the “Crowning Glory” of an official or officials who converts C. Laserna into a wholesome place to live in.

C. Laserna Condo

The LGU Kalibo through the Municipal Economic Enterprise Development Office can request Vice Pres. Jejomar C. Binay for funding for the construction of one or two multi level buildings to provide shelter to the families living in C. Laserna.

Vice Pres. Binay is the chairman of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council. I am certain he will help Kalibo on this housing program if LGU Kalibo officials are sincere to make Kalibo the real worthy capital town of Aklan and a conducive place to live in.

If Kalibo is able to construct one or two 14 levels condominium, it may solve the shelter problem, save vacant spaces for other purposes, and improve peace and order among others.

The ground floor will be utilized for shops and offices for rent. If one level can house eight (8) families the two buildings will accommodate 248 families. Each occupant family will pay monthly as amortizing owners. The amount of amortization will be enough to reimburse the cost of building construction and affordable to the beneficiaries. /MP

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