Thursday, January 19, 2012

Man Proposes God Disposes

“The Story of Faith & Devotion To The Senior Santo Niño de Kalibo”

Man Proposes God Disposes


Everything is possible when one faithfully and devotedly believes. Faith and Devotion spice up life’s mystery and complexity. It is hard to totally uncover and discover the answers behind every interrogation of man.

Faith and devotion work in a very mysterious and amazing way for God disposes what man proposes. Funny, how can it turn a desperate heart into a hopeful one? And how does it iradicate every man’s misery by just merely praying?

I am just one of the many devotees of Senior Santo Niño de Kalibo and I can testify how faith and devotion truly work. I am a devoted catholic. I religiously attend the holy mass at the St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Kalibo. I constantly visit the image of Senior Santo Niño de Kalibo chapel where I faithfully and devotedly utter my prayers and thanksgiving. Believe it or not, all the humble prayers that I asked for had been granted in its due time and purpose.

When my husband married me, the late Lucio N. Roma on December 22, 1990, it was a positive answer to my prayer, the man whom God had destined for me. Indeed, love knows no boundary despite of the 33 years age gap. It bounded two hearts into one. I was 27 years old when I married a 60 years old man.

Three years after we got married, we offered petition prayers asking for a gift, a child. As a devotion, we annually joined the “sadsad” every Ati-atihan festival. We asked the Senior Santo Niño to bless us with even one child. But God did not just graced us one but we were blessed with three wonderful children.

After three years of waiting, we received the positive response on January 25, 1993. Our prayers were answered when I gave birth to my eldest daughter, Lea Niña. After one year, January 24, 1994 I gave birth to our second child, my son Leo Niño. I’m grateful with Senior Santo Niño for such wonderful gifts.

The year 1996 was so challenging for our family. It was on January 21 when my husband died. Lucio died of cardiac arrest. I was pregnant then with our third child. Two days after his death, on January 23, I gave birth to our youngest son named after my beloved husband. He was baptized Lucio Jr.

For 16 years, I am a single parent raising my three children who are academically competent and excel doing the things they love. I thank God for all these blessings. Until now, Senior Santo Niño continues to bless my family especially my children. God always answer our prayers. Despite the trials and bitterstrifes along the way, we continue our love and devotion to Senior Santo Niño with determination and perseverance.

I believe the holy child Jesus is guiding us always. /MP

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