Wednesday, February 15, 2012

100 Farmers Form Aglalana Green Association


Ms. Perlita G. Mecha, chief, DA Regional Operations Group giving to Barangay Captain Hernane G. Jarell of Aglalana, Passi City a bundle of agricultural reading materials and posters for the establishment of Barangay Agricultural Information Center (BAIC) in the area. Looking are (From Left) Ma. Japeth Fernandez – Agriculturist I, Juvy Silario Gaton - Chief, DA-RAFID 6, Armando Parcon - AGFA president and Leopoldo Aguilario, Passi City Agriculturist.

Iloilo City – In order to access organic-based projects of the Depart-ment of Agriculture (DA) 6, a total of 100 farmers from barangay Aglalana, Passi City, Iloilo formed themselves into Aglalana Green Farmers Association (AGFA) recently.

According to Mr. Armando Parcon, AGFA president, the farmers aim to promote organic farming and adopt organic technologies among members. “We AGFA members are also listeners of the DA 6 regular Agri-Pinoy radio farm program and various Schools on the Air aired over DYRI radio,” added Mr. Palmares.

Ms. Perlita G. Mecha, Chief, of DA Regional Operations Group cited the active participation of farmers and other agricultural stakeholders coupled with the adoption of proper technology which will surely increase productivity, income, and achieve food sufficiency.

The DA is working hand in hand with the private sector through the Public-Private partnership (PPP) in implementing programs and projects on farm mechanization, irrigation, farm to market roads, marketing and technology transfer.

“We are grateful that AGFA is solely initiated by farmers themselves and the officers and members are determined to pursue their objectives of producing organic products,” said Ms. Mecha.

Through the association, farmers can access various programs of national government agencies especially the DA banner programs, Mecha stressed.

The DA-RAFID 6 also turned-over agricultural reading materials and posters to the AGFA officers in line with the establishment of barangay agricultural information center in their area. The IEC materials are good sources of information, updates and technologies which farmers, livestock raisers and other agricultural stakeholders in the barangay can use. IEC materials are about rice, corn, livestock, and high value commercial crops technologies and updates.

The AGFA officers are: Armando Parcon-president, Henry Pagulong-vice president, Ma. Jelly Ayalin-secretary, Erlinda Suyo-Asst. secretary, Jose Melmar Mendoza-Treasurer, Nore Jeminez-Asst. Treasurer,Sherlina Jarell-auditor, Alejendro Alaro-PRO, and Ireneo Pagal-manager. (JEEO/RAFID 6) /MP

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