Sunday, February 05, 2012

ASU Conducts Enhancing Employability and Entrepreneurship Forum

To update the faculty and students on current issues, concerns and good practices on enhancing employability and entrepreneurship of students and graduates, the Aklan State University (ASU) conducted a Forum on Enhancing Employability and Entrepreneurship of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources (AFNR) Students and Graduates held last month at the ASU Conference Hall, Banga, Aklan.

Dr. Danilo E. Abayon, ASU President emphasized in his message, “In the academe, we have to redirect our focus on some portion of the curriculum in order that it could be a competency-based program. The students should have both the content and the skills/knowledge that they can compete, since almost all courses are open for international trade.”

The ASU took part in the P200 million national program on “Enhancing the Demand for AFNR Graduates through Science and Tech-nology,” which was conceived out of the growing concern on the continuous decline of enrolment in agriculture and related fields. One of the program components is “Human Resource Inventory and Environmental Scanning in Region VI,” led by Dr. Roel A. Alli of West Visayas State University with Miss Sally R. Villasis of ASU as co-researcher conducted in academic year 2008-2009.

The highlights on the “Human Resource Inventory and Environ-mental Scanning in Region VI” are shared by Miss Villasis, while those from Region III are presented by the project leader, Dr. Jocelyn L. Aveno, Professor of Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Science City, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.

The Human Resource Inventory and Environmental Scanning is a key strategy of the Policy Research on the Future Supply of and Demand of AFNR graduates in the Philippines, a component of the national program on “Enhancing the Demand for AFNR Graduates through Science and Technology.”

It is a unified effort of the whole Research and Development system led by the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD). It was implemented by 56 state universities and colleges (SUCs) across the country.

During the forum, the development paper on “Capitalizing on CLARRDEC–CVARRD Alliance Towards Entrepreneurship and Increasing Employability of AFNR Students and Graduates in SUCs in Regions II and III” was presented by Dr. Fe L. Porciuncula, Project Leader and Professor of CLSU.

According to Dr. Anna Mae C. Relingo, OIC–Vice President for Research and Extension of ASU, this award-winning CLSU-led project shared by the authors is a very good model for ASU to establish for its AFNR students and graduates.

Meanwhile, Dr. Teodora T. Battad, CLSU Professor shared her expertise on Process Documentation. She inspired the participants with her passion for writing books by showing a number of publications written by CLSU which she herself was one of the authors.

Other resource persons from CLSU who shared their expertise in process documentation and publication are Dr. Maria Excelsis M. Orden and Dr. Aurora S. Paderes.

ASU Research and Development Services Director, Dr. Lelisa J. Teodosio facilitated the workshop portion which aimed to identify appropriate interventions for strategic curriculum enrichment, capability building and effective public-private partnership.

Some 65 faculty, staff and students of the University’s nine academic units attended the forum which ended with a turn-over ceremony of CLSU publications to ASU Dr. Abayon received. /MP

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