Thursday, February 16, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Marquez: Aklan Is Makusog, Matimsog,
Hilway, ag Maumwad

Governor Carlito S. Marquez, in his State of the Province Address (SOPA), made on Wednesday morning, February 8, 2012 before the members of the Aklan Sangguniang Panlalawigan, local and national government officials, and the members of the tri-media described the Province of Aklan as “Makusog, Matimsog, Hilway, ag Maumwad” (Strong, Robust, Free, and Progressive). The SOPA was broadcast live by RGMA–DYRU and televised via KCTV and ACTV.

What does “state” mean? The dictionary gives several meanings for state. But I selected one definition I believe fits well as used in the SOPA. It states: “a set of circumstances or attributes characterizing a person, a place or thing at a given time”.
Strong, like state, has several meanings. However, as used in the SOPA, Gov. Marquez perhaps means strong as “broadest in scope…implying power that can be exerted actively as well as power that resists destruction”.

Robust means strong and healthy, full of vigor, hardy. Free on the other hand means, “not under the control of some other person or some arbitrary power, able to act or think without compulsion or arbitrary restriction”. Progressive means, “moving forward or onward”.

Aklan as described by Gov. Marquez is strong, robust, free, and progressive, a strong province that has the power to resist destruction as it is healthy, full of vigor and hardy. The province is free. Therefore, not under the control of some persons or some arbitrary power, can, think and act without compulsion and restriction. Hence, Aklan is continuously moving forward toward progress.

While I listened to Gov. Marquez delivering his SOPA and reading a copy of what he presented, I came to a conclusion his provincial management deserves high commendation, respect and emulation. The department heads and employees in each department deserve public appreciation. May they continue doing outstanding performance.

On the other hand, can we maintain and sustain the state of Aklan today? Can we improve the present state of Aklan?

How about the Aklanons? Are we all strong, robust, free, and progressive?

How many municipalities are covered by the 4Ps program? Of the 17 towns, 14 are being served. The beneficiaries of the 4Ps program are not strong, are not robust, are not free and are not progressive. They badly need assistance to enable them to be on an excellent state. They must be helped, be self sufficient on the basic needs and be empowered. How many percent of the Aklanons are in the state of poverty?

The Temporary Restraining Order the Supreme Court of the Philippines issued stopped the provincial reclamation project in Caticlan, Malay. It is impeding Aklan development and progress. The Supreme Court by issuing that TRO prevented Aklan to move forward.

The continuing soil erosion in Tambak, New Washington, and along the Aklan River banks specifically in barangays Polo and Taba-ao, Banga must be totally curtailed. This erosion is a long lingering problem that is weakening the Province of Aklan.

Gov. Marquez ended his SOPA with pledge to move on this year 2012 by constructing more buildings, cement 15 kilometers road, fund more school board teachers, generate more power supply and further improve the health and social services.

Since Agriculture and Tourism are the twin programs of the Marquez provincial government, by way of suggestion, let the Aklanons participate actively and more in the program. Encourage the Aklanon youth to engage in the production of food like vegetables and fruits, flowers, fishes, chicken meat and eggs, beef and pork. They can even raise flowers. They can be provided with free skills training, starting capital, and marketing assistance.

Human engineering is investment to develop manpower with positive attitude toward a community, knowledge, and skills to produce goods and services for the community and people. Human resource development designed to export manpower is the least the state must do for among the factors of production, the most important and key to success is man. How can a nation compete with other countries if the best and the brightest human resources are exported to foreign countries? Any manpower importing country will always import the best and the brightest.

Let Aklan invest in education and training to produce the most excellent and competent human resources, motivate them with ample assistance to produce adequate goods and services to support agriculture and tourist industry. The values of loyalty and love to Aklan and the Aklanons be inculcated.

Local production of goods and services, will provide more employment and income and stop the outflow of money from Aklan. Today, we import chicken meat and eggs, flowers, and fruits. Some fishes are being imported from Antique, Capiz, and even from Luzon. Even Mindoro rice is being marketed in Aklan. /MP

1 comment:

  1. Aklan Is Makusog, Matimsog,
    Hilway, ag Maumwad?

    Keep on dreaming Mr. Governor! People know better. Several hundred millions of pesos were spent on projects in our province that resulted to nothing.
