Thursday, February 23, 2012

Numancia Hosts Technology Upgrading On Vermicast ProductionNumancia Hosts Technology


“My passion and dream... to take care our Mother Nature.”

This has motivated Magsasaka Siyentista (MS) Racel Gomez to engage in vermiculture and vermicomposting.

Some 40 participants composed of farmers, entrepreneurs, cooperative and peoples’ organization members and students attended the Technology Upgrading on Vermicast Fertilizer Production on February 6, 2012 at the Farmers Information and Technology Services (FITS) Center in Numancia, Aklan.

MS Gomez extended the technology to enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants in producing their own vermicast fertilizer; utilize indigenous materials and farm wastes or by-products into organic fertilizer; and promote environment-friendly practices in agricultural development.

MS Gomez shared her expertise on vermicompost production, from site selection, preparation of materials to harvesting, packaging and marketing. The participants learned the technology on proper utilization of vermicompost, such as organic fertilizer and plant growth media.

Vermicompost is the focused commodity of the FITS Center and the One-Town-One-Product of LGU Numancia.

Numancia Municipal Mayor Adolfo M. Iligan expressed his full support and appreciation to the projects and activities led by Numancia FITS Center.

The activity was conducted in partnership with the Western Visayas Agriculture and Resources Research and Develop-ment Consortium, Aklan State University and LGU-Numancia, Aklan through its FITS Center and Office of the Municipal Agriculture. /MP

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