Thursday, February 23, 2012

Reason and Concern

By Ronquillo C. Tolentino

Slow Pace of Impeachment Trial

Impeachment lead prosecutor Rep. Niel Tupaz, Jr. boldly announced that the impeachment trial shall probably be finished on March 23, 2012.

Tupas made a conjectural timeline prediction and estimate of the impeachment trial finale.

Viewing that the prosecution had concluded Article II of the grounds for impeachment, the prosecution has to present evidence to the remaining six articles of impeachment.
It had been a month since January 16, 2012 when the impeachment trial started.

The Impeachment Court had a rule of procedure, all its own. While the Rules of Court is suppletory, the Impeachment Court did not consider having a pre-trial. Of course, the Impeachment Court is aware of the nature and purpose of pre-trial. In the courts of law, pre-trial is mandatory. Pre-trial, is provided in Sec. 2, Rule 18 of the 1997 Rules of Court to consider: a) The possibility of an amicable settlement or of a submission to alternative modes of dispute resolution; b) The simplification of the issues;

c) The necessity or desirability of amendments to the pleadings; d) The possibility of obtaining stipulations or admissions of facts and of documents to avoid unnecessary proof; e) The limitation of the number of witnesses; f) The advisability of a preliminary reference of issues to a commissioner; g) The propriety of rendering judgment on the pleadings, or summary of judgment, or of dismissing the action should a valid ground therefor be found to exist; h) The advisability or necessity of suspending the proceedings; and i) Such other matters as may aid in the prompt disposition of the action.

The rather snail pace of the Impeachment trial had made President Aquino to call for public support on his campaign to oust Chief Justice Corona. He even called for “People Power”. Apparent is the President’s irritation on the slowness of the trial. But then, respect for the Impeachment Court is due.

Evidently, whether Corona shall come out acquitted or convicted of the impeachment, he shall emerge, as termed by political analysts, critics and columnists and stated for the umpteenth time as “ damaged goods”

The early hustings shall be part of the activities in practically all provinces in the country. Antique, for instance, had surfaced with a coalition of the Zaldivar-Pacificador political forces. /MP

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