Sunday, March 25, 2012


Man Decides What Nature Is And What Will Be


March is declared National Women’s month in recognition of their invaluable contributions for nation building. “Women Weathering Climate Change: Governance and Accountability, Everyone’s Responsibility” is the theme for this year’s celebration.

The guests at the Kapihan on March 17, 2012 at Smokehauz Resto & Bar are Ms. Jessica Vidal, Focal Person GAD-C, Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino, Ms. Chita C. Heap, president, Kool Earth, Mr. Emmanuel Parco, Jr. Committee Chairperson on Education, MOVE, Dr. Felma R. Dela Cruz, Dr. Cynthia de la Cruz – Vice Pres. Kool Earth, Ms. Editha Rubio – president SKBK, and Dr. Glenmar Martinez, Child Protection Unit – DRSTMH.

Atty. Tolentino cited several landmark legislations favoring women which are: Magna Carta for Women or RA 9703 approved on August 19, 2009. It recognizes the role of women in nation building and eliminates all forms of discrimination and violence. This is followed by Solo Parenting Act and SP Ordinance No. 03-027 or Gender and Development Act authored by Atty. Estrella M. Briones. “At least we have created the right direction for growth but full realization of women empowerment rest on their concerted efforts,” former vice governor Tolentino pointed out.

Dr. Felma Dela Cruz underscores “the healthy environment since human health is closely intertwined with his immediate surroundings. In view of global impact of climate change, Kool Earth now six years old is willing to open new chapters in other towns like Batan and Ibajay. That is if they are willing to partner with us,” said Dr. Felma Dela Cruz.

Dr. Cynthia de la Cruz suggested that more info drive targeting various sectoral groups must be implemented. Relentless effort of Kool Earth includes community assembly meetings discussing the effective management of waste like reduce, re-use, and recycle. Sectors coordinated are from women’s organization of GAD-C, teachers, students, professionals, businessmen and even prison inmates.

Ms. Rubio revealed that Samahan ng Kababayenhan It Mga Barangay ng Kalibo (SKBK) is deputized by virtue of an Exec. Order signed by Mayor William S. Lachica dated January 27, 2012 to implement Solid Waste Management. NGO is now a year old and boost of 86 active women volunteers in 14 barangays of Kalibo.

Urgent need is to drastically reduce widespread use of plastic and styrofoam as wrapping/packaging materials. It is pertinent to note that it takes 10 to 100 years to decompose and emit toxic substances.

SKBK has produced and marketed re-usable bags from buri palm, a versatile fiber crop, a potential source of livelihood says Ms. Rubio.

According to Mr. Parco, Men Oppose to Violence Everywhere (MOVE) has collaborated with line agencies like DOH, DA, DAR, DSWD, PNP and DepEd in its advocacy to protect women’s rights.

Organized in 2004, presently, it has three chapters in Kalibo, Malinao, and Nabas with 100 members. Mr. Franklin Quimpo spearheaded in organizing MOVE.

Dr. Martinez confirmed that Aklan is piloted as National Child Trafficking Center being a famous tourist destination – Boracay. Child neglect includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuses must be taken of depending on age, gender and awareness of the victim. Due to the child’s traumatic experience, interviews by authorities and the media must be circumspected, Dr. Martinez suggested.

Despite the passage of the Magna Carta for Women, violence against women and children is on the rise. Mary Jean Grear, Exec. Director, Center for Women Resources cited PNP data showing there is 47.74 percent increase in violence against women and children from 13,242 in 2009 to 26,951 in 2010. For rape and incest, 4,572 cases were recorded in 2010 from 4,048 cases or 13 percent increase.

Approximately one woman is beaten by her partner or husband every 43 minutes while one child is battered every hour and 20 minutes. A woman or child is harassed every four hours. There are 500,000 victims of prostitution in the Philippines and 100,000 of them are children. Some 11 women die everyday due to complication in childbirth. A million women then find work. In 2010, three women were murdered because of their political belief.

Aklan PNP reported that in 2010, there were 88 cases of violence against children and 50 against women. Of these, 28 are rapes. From January 12 to March of this year, there are 49 reported crimes against women five were rapes.

There is however a silver lining to healthy women’s outlook in the Philippines. According to Grant Thornton of International Business Dept. Filipino women in top corporate positions rose from 35 to 39 percent in 2011 making the Philippines second only to a tie between Russia, Thailand and Botswana.

Commenting on the theme, “Women Withering Climate Change”, here’s an excellent remark of Paul Crutzen, Nobel Peace Prize winning Atmospheric Chemist. “It is no longer us against nature. Instead, it’s us who decide what nature is and what will be”. He explained, man have been changing the planet ever since the dawn of agriculture 10,000 years ago when Homo sapiens began altering the land and the plant and animals living on it. /MP

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