Sunday, March 04, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Bantay Salakay

In kalibo, the police apprehended near a gasoline station, Pastrana Street, Poblacion, Kalibo last week, six (6) thieves carrying sacks filled with goods from the Unitop Store. Because of their suspicious appearance, they were apprehended. Moreover, there was a request to the PNP Kalibo for surveillance for a possible pilferage in the warehouse of Unitop. True, for in the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 28, six men were apprehended.

Upon proper questioning of the six, three (3) are the security guards of the Philippine National Bank located just adjacent the Unitop store. The other three (3) are the stock men of the Unitop itself.

These three security guards are “Bantay Salakay”. The three stock men are the white ants of Unitop. Beware of PNB Kalibo security guards.

This is what we lack. Honest, dedicated and dignified employees. What they did are reflective of the values of some Pilipino families, the influence of the environment, and the course content of our education system. There is failure to inculcate among our people the virtue of honesty, industry and integrity.

The six were inquest and remitted to jail in Nalook, Kalibo. Thief case was filed against each of them. They may post a P10,000 bail bond each.

According to PO3 Villanueva of the Kalibo PNP, there is a daily occurrence of stealing in Aklan especially in Kalibo. And the culprits are usually minors.

This is the result of the Pangilinan law. It encourages idleness, dishonesty and delin-quency. It promotes minors to be in conflict with the law. It provides chances for lazy parents to enjoy goods acquired using their children of young age.

Aklan Tourism

Gov. Carlito S. Marquez reported the almost one million tourists arrival in Aklan. Well and good. Let us heartily welcome them and allow them to enjoy their stay in Aklan specifically in Boracay. We are amiable and hospitable people.

On the other hand, what is the meaning to you of their visits to Aklan? Do you own a hotel where the visitors can lodge and earn money for you?

Some Aklanons have, others non. But majority of hotel accommodations are of multi nationals. These include bars and restaurants.

Do you own transportation system? Some have pump boats. No Aklanons own even a stock in an airline company. Only a limited number of Aklanons work with airlines for most are not Aklanons. Majority of land transportation are from other cities and provinces.

Do you supply our tourists with enough food? This could be our strength but we are almost short of food.

Rice? Mindoro rice is now being sold in Aklan. Beef? Not enough. The average beef intake of Aklanon is below nutritional requirement.

Chicken and egg? The supply comes from Capiz, Iloilo, Cebu, and Batangas.

Fish? Some fishes from Antique, Capiz, Batangas are sold in Aklan.

Flowers? They are grown in the backyard but not commercial.
Vegetables? We import vegetables.

To participate and economically gain from tourism industry, there is urgent need to modernize Aklan agriculture: plant, produce, and market agri-products. This is Aklan province’s strength in the participation in the tourism industry. /MP

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