Sunday, March 04, 2012



People Notices When You


“Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things – a chance word, a tap on the shoulder – I am tempted to think….there is no little thing.”

One of my friends told me, it is in the little things where we find pleasure in life. Indeed, he was right, for this little thing matters to people who have less in life. For the less fortunate brothers and sisters, little thing to us is a big thing to them.

Many times, we ignored this little thing – yes, a pat in the shoulder matters to our rank and file employees; a word or two of gratitude is precious to our helpers in the house; a short greetings of their own language/dialect gives a wider smile to our foreign guests, and a positive observation to someone who has new hair, nice bright colored top and or a new shiny shoes echoe energy to an ordinary person one browses elbows with along the road. These and many more of what are called ‘little thing give a brighter world to other people, he/she may be part of the family, circle of friends, and or a stranger.

To the one who extends this ‘little thing’ – it gives him/her pleasure of priceless happiness. They said, happiness is a perspective”. It should be that way – that everyone has a positive perspective on happiness and should be guided by this small thing with which a man or woman can only afford to share to others. Again, to you, it might be small, but to the recipient, it is big.

We are lucky to be a Filipino. We have the niche of being hospitable to others compared to other cultures. Filipino wherever and whatever he/she may be, may strike anywhere and in any situation, we always have the resiliency to evolve and make a difference.

A simple smile first hour in the morning generates positive energy for others who may have unresolved concerns they have at the time. A gesture of a phone call to say ‘hello’ and ‘how are you?’ makes the other person on the other end feels he/she is important and special to you.

Do you notice that today, it takes a lot of effort to sit down? Keep still and be quiet? And call someone to ask ‘how are you doing lately? A food for thought is no longer said verbally but forwarded as text message. A love letter is no longer written sincerely as they can now copy and paste from Google.

Make way and make wave for the little thing that matters to that person next to us or far from us. If we go back to basic, we will understand this. No matter how technology friendly we are and high-tech, the world is around us. Always remember, people still remains the essential ingredient of life. As Blessed Teresa of Calcutta once said, “it is in small thing that life matters, so do these small thing with great love.” /MP

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