Sunday, March 25, 2012



Ingredients of Inner Peace And Happiness

To be happy, there are two good things to remember. These are:

1. The good things man does to others.

“Service is not about glory. It’s about love. It’s not about something humanitarian once a year or every month. It is meant to be a way of life for every Christian. By opening our eyes to the people around us, we begin to see a multitude of ways we can love our neighbors in our daily lives.”

If one serves others, he does not count the cost, for hard work and sacrifice are parts of life. In Matthew 10:38 – “Jesus calls us to pick up our cross and come after him.” So when we do something good, small or big to our fellowmen, consider it done and forgotten. It is something one doesn’t look forward for something they can give us in return. The reason one helps is caused by one’s need. Man loves to help people who can’t help themselves, in this way, man feels he has done well to him/her. The service that man gives to him/her will be greatly appreciated and that God in heaven will reward him.

2. The bad things that others do to us.

We have the famous GOLDEN RULE. “Do unto others what you want others do unto you.” To better understand it, I would say, man needs to ‘die a little’ so one will become humble to make peace with others even if they do evil to him.

Is it hard? Yes, definitely, it is hard. But I can tell you, it takes practice for any person to be able to do it. If man has the will, he must have the way. It is a way of life for man to simply and quietly forgive others and make peace with himself. Just recently, Fr. Jerry M. Orbos said during his talk, “It is you who is the prisoner and not the person who did evil to you, if you will not forgive and forget.”

Why there are some people who destroy others through ‘bad mouthing’? On the other hand, this is not our problem, it’s their problem. Man wants peace? Makes peace with himself and with the world around him, man must let them see the inner peace that radiates in his face and inspire them of how man lives his life according to the Will of God.

Man wants inner peace? He had to start it now. He may not be a perfect creation of God, but the way he lives his life toward other people, is what refines him in front of God. Then he can be perfect in the eyes of Him. /MP

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