Friday, April 20, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Loving Money With Dishonor

Engr. John Ray E. Depositario, intensely love so much the money which led him to court case, lost his honor and enhanced unfavorable personal image. Depositorio was caught receiving an envelope supposed to contain one hundred thousand pesos (P100,000) he demanded from a construction firm as a pre-condition before he signs the Certificate of Completion (COC) and other documents so that the construction firm can attach it to its Statement of Account and get paid for the projects it constructed in the province of Aklan. 

Kembee Construction and Supply Co. represented by Bea Bern Gilder was contracted by DepEd Aklan to construct one storey one classroom building each in Rizal Elem. School, Ibajay; Maloco National High School, Ibajay; Lezo Integrated School, Lezo; and Prudencio T. Yerro Primary School, Lezo. It also constructed the one storey two classroom bldg. in Agrughangin, Madalag. These above projects cost four million fifteen thousand three hundred nine pesos & 77/100 (P4,015,329.77). 

The same construction firm also constructed one storey one classroom buildings in Napti Integrated School, Batan; Angas Integrated School, Batan; Bay-ang Elem. School, Batan; Cabangila National High School, Batan; and Belen Elem. School, Libacao which cost three million three hundred four thousand five hundred ninety three pesos P3,304,593).
The two groups of projects cost seven million three hundred nineteen thousand nine hundred twenty two pesos & 77/100 (P7,319,922.77).

The projects are classrooms under Calendar Year 2011 Basic Education facilities. The contract for the construction of the project was signed by Dr. Victorina Laroza for DepEd Aklan and Bea Bern Gilder of Kembee Construction and Supply Co.

The project construction was completed in Sept. 2011. A request for inspection was made in Sept. 2011. However, a Punch List report was filed on Nov. 14, 2011. This surprised the Kimbee construction as the said Punch List should have been submitted  after the turn over if there are defects that maybe found in the construction like the one storey building.

Steps were made so that the COC and other documents will be signed by Engr. John Ray E. Depositario. However, he refused unless Kimbee Construction and Supply gives his share of the profit realized out of the project construction. Depositario was paid P10,000 but he demanded P400,000. Later, he settled for P100,000 which Kimbee Construction acceded. 

Yet, before honoring its commitment, Kimbee Construction reported the demand for bribe to the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman enlisted the assistance of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

Entrapment was planned and implemented on Wednesday, April 18. Engr. Depositario was entrapped on midday of Wednesday, April 18, 2012 in the Cafeteria located in Magsaysay Park in front of Kalibo Municipal Hall, Kalibo, Aklan.

Upon his suggestion, Depositar will sign the COC and other pertinent papers needed to claim payment for the projects constructed by Kimbee Construction if he is paid P100,000. 
Engr. Gerlie E. Dela Cena of Kimbee Construction occupied one table inside the Cafeteria. The three NBI officers positioned themselves outside of the canteen where all things happening inside is visible to them. 

Shortly after midday Wednesday, Depositario arrived in the canteen, sat with Engr. Dela Cena who handed to him all the papers he signed. After he finished signing, Engr. Dela Cena got back the signed documents, handed to Depositario a white envelope said to contain inside the P100,000 Depositario demanded. 

Simultaneously, the three NBI officers stood up and arrested Depositario on the strength of the warrant from Ombudsman. 

Depositario was inquest on Thursday afternoon, April 19. Immediately, Depositario also paid a cash bail bond in the amount of P60,000.

Depositario is now facing corruption charges of three counts as: 1. Violation of the Anti Graft and Corrupt Practices law, 2. Direct bribery under the Revised Penal Code, and 3. violation of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials.    

When I visited the DepEd Division office in Kalibo for additional information on the matter, I got nothing. All the personnel in the office I talked to kept their mouth closed. They are unanimous, only Dr. Jesse M. Gomez, the Schools Division Superintendent can answer my “would be” questions.

I was shocked when nobody knows at DepEd who is John Ray Evardone Depositario.
Depositario has been holding office in DepEd building, Kalibo but they don’t know what is his job in DepEd Aklan, what is his position and who pays his salary. 

That is the prize for having so much love of money for being greedy. None likes to identify him. Now Depositario is facing court case and his character is damaged. 

 He must be meted penalty he deserves. What he did might blacken the good image of DepEd Aklan and the Aklanons. If he is not from Aklan, he must be asked to leave Aklan as soon as possible. /MP

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