Thursday, April 26, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Capiz and Aklan Celebrate 
Their Foundation Days

Last April 15, the Province of Capiz celebrated its 111th Foundation Day.  Capiz  was made a province as mandated by Provincial Government Act of the Philippine Commission approved on April 15, 1901.

The Philippine Commission passed Act No. 115 which extended the provisions of the Provincial Government Act, defined its territory and made Capiz, Capiz the town capital.  It also created various offices to attend to the affairs of the province. 

The foundation day celebration included the 64th death anniversary of the late President Manuel A. Roxas who died on April 15, 1948 of Coronary Thrombosis while delivering a speech at Clark Field, Angeles City, Pampanga. Roxas was the last President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the first President of the Republic of the Philippines.

But why celebrate a tragedy? Capiz could have celebrated Pres. Roxas’ birthday rather than his death. The Roxas family with Capiz province may offer holy mass to the late Pres. Roxas for the eternal repose of his soul. 

The Province of Aklan, which today, is composed of 17 muni-cipalities with Kalibo, the capital town was a part of Capiz Province until 1956. It separated, from Capiz province by virtue of Republic Act 1414 authored by the late Cong. Godofredo P. Ramos and signed into law by President Ramon Magsaysay.

On April 25, Aklan also celebrated its glorious moment, the 56th Foundation Day. Some major achievements realized for the last 56 years were portrayed during the celebration.

Demolishing KIA Old Building

If plan is pushed through, the older Kalibo International Airport (KIA) terminal building will be demolished next month, May. This is the older terminal building of the KIA being used now as passengers’ arrival area. 

This building planned for demolition is very well constructed in the late 1990s. Those who know the said building was constructed with durable materials like wood and the engineering work was excellent. Its interior and exterior views appear like newly finished building. 

According to a very reliable source, the destruction of the present building will give way to a new terminal building.

But why destroy the present terminal building? It is still very strong and serving its purpose. Demolishing it is tantamount to wasting it, a very serviceable edifice. 

I was told the present airport terminal buildings in KIA can never qualify with international standard for international airport. These two buildings are too close to the runway and to the tarmac, so dangerous for plane passengers, crew members, and airport personnel. 

I was also informed that the CAAP has available P48 million appropriated for the improvement of the present terminal buildings. I said improvement, not demolition. This will save the present terminal building from destruction, improve the present quality of services in KIA, and create savings for future improvement of the KIA complying with inter-national standard. 

Today, KIA is in “disarray”. This will become worse if the present terminal building is demolished. It is not a guarantee that the supposed new airport terminal building after its completion will provide ample space to move about for plane passengers and airport personnel. 

It is for the best interest of the plane clienteles, for Aklan and the Philippines in general if a Comprehensive Airport Development Plan is drafted, approved, and implemented if budget is available. Let the two present Airport terminal buildings continue serving the people. Use the available money now of CAAP for the improvement of the present terminal buildings. 

Gold Mine

Meanwhile, the KIA is serving more than a gold mine to the officers of the three offices: the Bureau of Customs, Immigration, and Quarantine.

I was told by a most trusted informant that the officers of the three offices assigned in KIA is paid P1,500 each by the Airline Company when its airplane coming from abroad lands at KIA. Another P1,500 each is also paid by airline company which plane takes off at KIA for destination abroad. 
An airline official in Kalibo estimates a monthly honorarium to the immigration, customs and quarantine officers at more or less P450,000 to each of them. 

Moreover, the airline companies using KIA pay their travel expenses from Iloilo City to Kalibo and back to Iloilo City.

Asked why these officers are paid enormous amount of honorarium, the response is: “These personnel are holding positions for Iloilo City and not for Kalibo. 

This airline expenses could as well be saved by the airline companies to enable them to reduce their respective plane fares for the local people.

May our two congressmen with their influence work on this? /MP   

1 comment:

  1. Why not Building New and more appropriate Terminal like Iloilo we need Ninong like Iloilo's Drilon.
