Friday, April 06, 2012



Imagine And Dream

Astronomer Carl Sagan once said, “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.”

He is right. Have you tried to imagine yourself to be someone or something you want to become? Many people said, when you dream it, you can become it. However, dreams and imaginations are two different worlds. A dream is synonymous to hallucination, delusion, nightmares and or a daydream or a vision, while imagination is a mind’s eye, a thought that is inside your eye or mind.

These months of March and April are months of graduation. Three young generations are graduating from elementary, high school and college, almost all of them are imagining the day they will go up on stage to receive their diplomas and medals. Others dream to be more than what is in the diploma and the medal, or it could be both an imagination and a dream to be able to graduate and be an achiever. I wonder if these graduates know where they are going. What do they think after graduation? When can they become beyond their diplomas and medals?

When I was a child, I vividly imagined myself speaking to a large audience and learning from my audience at the same time. I kept imagining myself talking to a huge crowd in different languages and inspiring them by what I do or I can do. It happened only after many times of practice and mentoring. It happened in God’s own beautiful time. Now, I am living with that imagination. I am enjoying every minute of it. I am happy to make other people happy because of what I say and have to say.

Did I ever dream? Yes, I dreamed to finish college, to become what I wanted when I reach 24 or 25 years old and to retire when I reach 35 years young. Alfred Lord Tennyson once said, “Dreams are true while they last and do we not live in dreams?” But there is the antonym of ‘dream’ – the reality. The reality is that sort of 80 percent of what I dreamt did happen. And the most beautiful thing is that – I am at peace with myself. All of these started only through my fertile imagination.

Once in my life, I imagined to be on top of the mountains and surrounded by mountains. I have traversed mountains and crossed rivers. Indeed, it happened. How many times did I say: once I will be up there, “God is mysterious for He created mountains and rivers. He is an amazing God for He made all things pleasant, wonderful and awesome.” Then I wonder why and how He made it all for us to appreciate, to enjoy or to destroy?!

When I was a small kid, I imagined everything around me to be like a fairy tale. I am doing that even up to now and even I am no longer a kid. I believe, I have a kid in me. Why not? They say, a person doesn’t pay to dream. A person is free to keep dreaming, keep imagining….But the person needs to make it happen. A person neither lives nor dies without making the things he imagined and dreamt to work to become a reality.

Today, I dream to become a princess, married to my prince. Silly or crazy? Feel free whatever you think about it, but do not hurt yourself too much, for I am only imagining things from where I am now.

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. Yes, creating yourself through your imagination and dreams. Go ahead, feel free to imagine. Feel free to dream. Or go nowhere! /MP

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