Friday, April 06, 2012

VP Binay: Measure of Public Trust Is People’s Satisfaction

Vice President Jejomar C. Binay said, “public trust is measured by the satisfaction that cons-tituents experience with regard to the performance of government leaders.”

Binay, during the National Conference on Local Governance of the Philippine Councilors League, said that local governments should involve all stakeholders in the process of governance. He cited the experience of Makati City.

“We were warned that this would not be easy but to our thinking, if the outcome of our plans affected all sectors, then every citizen and investor must be given the chance to express their aims and more importantly, contribute ideas,” the Vice President said.

“It was an arduous process filled with fiery debate and passionate argument but the resulting policies enjoyed the support of every sector,” he added, noting that the Makati government also established venues for the stakeholders to raise concerns during the implementation phase.

Binay also told the League members that being lawmakers, they should ensure that the rule of law is upheld. It should not be stagnant, but able to respond to evolving challenges.

“As the concerns of life change, the law should create relevant remedy and even revolutions in governance,” he said.

He also urged the councilors to “maintain the thirst of an eternal student”, and acquaint themselves with the latest technologies and fields of study in addressing poverty.

Likewise, he noted the number of specialized fields that could provide solutions for policy-making, such as environmental management, modern agri and aqua culture, microenterprises and finance, and urban planning.

The Vice President stressed that although councilors may tap experts to help them, they should be knowledgeable about the latest techniques in these fields.

“We must all find the time and resources to become adept in these fields so that the legislation crafted is always responsive to the problems faced by all,” the Vice President said.

Binay also emphasized the need to uphold ethics and morality and warned of the certainty of the decline of modern humanity if the country failed to arrest the erosion of Filipino values.
“If our young Filipinos waver and show no discipline or purpose, it may be because we have neglected to preach what we must and live what we preach,” he said.
“In our own land, let the recovery we seek be first grounded in the laws of both God and man. As we faithfully carry out the remainder of our terms, let us work diligently to heal this ailment and give new life to both the governed and their government,” he concluded. /MP

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