Thursday, May 03, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Fiesta In Aklan

Fiesta is a religious festival, a saint day. On May 1, for instance, was the day of Saint  Joseph which was celebrated in the four (4) municipalities of Aklan. Perhaps, in some barangays in Aklan and other parts of the Philippines, they may have celebrated the day of Saint Joseph.

In Numancia, Fiesta was held on May 1 in honor of their patron saint, Saint Joseph the Worker. The festival started with sports activities like basketball tournament where each barangay of the municipality formed their respective team to participate in the tournament. This sport activity awakened and set the barangay people in motion.

One week before May 1, Poblacion, Numancia became active. There were night dancing where some organizations served as nightly hosts. There were parade and exhibits. The hosts looked for charitable groups, family or organization to sponsor a table served with food and drinks at cost to raise funds. There was also a beauty and cash contest. The selection appeared to be the battle of the brain and physical appearance. However, the candidate with highest amount of money cast prevailed. 

In Banga, while the celebration is in honor of Saint Joseph the Spouse of Mary, they call it “Sagibin” Fastival. Sagibin means to help work on a project for free. The Banganhons celebrated it  to thank God for the abundant harvest from their farms. They used to exhibit farm products by the road side in the Poblacion. They exhibited the best quality fruits and vegetables like camote, cassava, papaya, bananas, and others. But not anymore. There was “perya” in the town plaza.

The latest celebration in Banga featured basketball tournament and “Perya” inside the plaza. ASU (Main) Alumni Homecoming was held on April 27-28 as one of the highlights of the festival.

In Malay, they call their patron saint, Saint Joseph de Obrero (laborer). On May 1 the fiesta was celebrated with the “Regatta” as the main highlight. 

Like Numancia, Malinao also celebrated its town fiesta in honor of its patron saint, Saint Joseph the Worker. It was highlighted with Coronation Pageant for Miss Malinao 2012, civic parade and exhibits of agricultural products and crafts of nito, abaca and others.

The Saint Joseph Parish church in Numancia, Banga, Malay, and Malinao performed several church’s religious rites. In St. Joseph The Worker Parish in Numancia, there were 9-day novena for St. Joseph, mass wedding for unwedded couples on April 28, baptismal rites, choral group competition, Bible Quiz Bee and Holy Masses among others. These church’s activities were also done in Malay, Banga, and Malinao.

History of Fiesta

According to an anonymous writer, the Philippines is the land of fiestas. The people love to eat, to have fun and to enjoy. These are available during fiestas. “There is more Fun in the Philippines”. 

According to an American historian, John Leddy Phelan, fiestas are ancient celebration in the Philippines celebrated to pray and to ask God for blessings like rain, good crop harvest, and even child among the childless. Filipinos also celebrate fiestas to thank God for all the blessings the people got like bountiful harvest, good health, and peace.

“The Spaniards had instituted the fiestas in the Philippine towns in order to draw people into one area, creating a forum for Christianizing the populance”, Phelan wrote.

The Ati-atihan rituals in Aklan started when Malay Tribal chiefs made the peace treaty with local atis nearly 800 years ago. Roman Catholic religious practices were introduced upon the coming of the Spaniards in the 16th century.

Fiesta Positives Vs Negatives

In a recent studies conducted in Poblacion, New Washington and Joyao Joyao, Numancia, Aklan, the AB Mass Communication 2012 graduates of the Northwestern Visayan Colleges, Kalibo, Aklan found both positive and negative effects to the people in holding fiestas.

On the bright side, celebrating fiesta improves family bonding, rekindles friendship and adds new acquaintances, promotes local industry and stir business activities. Fiesta also provides recreation and more fun.

On the other hand, festival celebration induces families to spend more than they can afford leading them to contract loans difficult to pay. Since there is lavish spending for food, some of it are wasted. There is also over drinking of liquor which causes trouble and affects peace. Moreover, fiesta celebration is a weeklong festivity adversely affects working hours thereby reducing productivity.

The study recommends the annual celebration of fiesta in a most religious manner, spend for the fiesta the sum a family can afford, reduce the intake of liquor and shorten the number of days to three in celebrating fiestas. /MP   

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