Friday, June 29, 2012

Camp Pastor Martelino

Martelino monument in front of PNP headquarters.

The Aklan Provincial Police office is named “Camp Pastor Martelino” after him and in his honor.

Col. Pastor C Martelino was born in Kalibo, Capiz (now Aklan) on August 8, 1896. After completing military course at  US Military Academy at West Point, United States, he joined the Philippine Scouts as 2nd Lt. in 1920. He was promoted to 1st Lt. in 1921.

He became captain in 1935 with the Armed Forces of the Philippines. In 1936, he was appointed as the Superintendent of the Philippine Military Academy, Baguio City. He has the distinction as the first Filipino Superintendent of the Philippine Military Academy.

He was assigned Chief of G-3 Division for Training and Special Action Force of the national headquarters of the Philippine Armed Forces in 1940.

He then became chief of the 31st Division, Philippine Army. He joined the Coast Artillery Corps in 1941. As member of the USAFFE, he fought in the defense of Bataan. He was included in the Death March where he escaped along the way. He joined the guerilla in Manila in 1942. He was captured by the Japanese Imperial Army and was tortured, imprisoned in Fort Santiago in 1944. He died when the Japanese Imperial Army hanged him on January 8, 1945. 

He was awarded the “Distinguished Conduct Star” (Posthumous). /MP   

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