Sunday, June 10, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Paradise In Numancia

There are two paradises in Numancia, Aklan. There is one paradise in Brgy. Bulwang called “Paraiso After Five”. This is located at the end of the Kalibo bridge, Numancia side, at the left of the highway toward Numancia.

Another paradise is called “Bridge of Paradise” situated in Brgy. Marianos. It is about 100 meters away from a bridge at the right side of the highway from Kalibo. It is located among the coconut trees. While “Paraiso After Five” is located by the Aklan river, Bridge of Paradise is by the creek.

The two paradises have identical functions. Both provide entertainment, amusement and relaxation among the sexes with special offerings to the lonely men. The two provide music, food, drinks, especially liquor and other wholesome entertainment among others.

Rubber Tree

Gov. Carlito S. Marquez of Aklan has included the planting of rubber trees for the production of latex. Rubber planting and production is one of the crops recommended for our farmers included in the Aklan provincial program.

In Malaysia, rubber and palm oil trees have replaced rice crops from their farms. The crop replacement has started in 1980. Today, rice planting and production is not popular among the farmers. The Malaysian farmers are well off producing high value crops like palm oil and rubber. 

For those who have travelled by land between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia they notice that both sides of the highway are luxuriant rubber and palm oil trees growing. There is no rice paddy and the distance between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur is about 450 kilometers. 

According to Gov. Marquez during a radio interview in RGMA – DYRU with Kaibahang Butz Maquinto last week, rubber plant is ready for tapping four (4) years after planting. A farmer with one hectare rubber farm can harvest latex valued at P30,000 per month per hectare at the present buying price. The productivity of rubber trees is 30 years provided the farmer will give the proper care and management to the rubber farm. (The culture of rubber trees is published on page 4 of this issue.)

For scientific and economic conscious farmer, it is time to change traditional crops like rice to commercial/industrial crops like rubber to increase income. Out of the income from rubber, a farm family can purchase rice and other family needs.

The change of crops can be made gradually to provide time for adjustment. 


Rubber planting and production has several advantages. A farmer needs to plant rubber trees only once. As soon as the field is planted, the farmer must only provide the proper care and management of the plantation. He will start harvesting or tapping the latex four years after planting. The farmer will continue harvesting latex for the next 30 years when the trees start dwindling production. 

Unlike rice where the farmer repeats the process of production after every harvest, he just provides the required plantation care and management in rubber. 

Moreover, trees like rubber help mitigate climate change, prevents soil erosion, serves as wind breaks, store water and release it during hot season, and cool the place. Unproductive trees can be sewn into lumber for building construction, furniture manufacturing and even for firewood.

Tree plantation workers will be in a workplace with shade and dry land unlike in rice paddies where the farmers are exposed to adverse weather condition like rain and sunshine. Their feet are buried in the mud.

For one thing, there will be no thieves to steal the latex. In marketing, the buyer of latex product maintains a directory of producers of the product. Anybody who tries to sell latex but not registered means he has no rubber plantation and what he sells is deemed stolen from a producer.

The production of rubber will also promote the production of acetic acid or vinegar. Vinegar is used to coagulate latex. There will be additional use of coconut water for the production of vinegar and also the utilization of the nipa fruits to produce acetic acid. /MP 

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