Sunday, July 08, 2012


Is CAAP Kalibo Inutile In Kalibo International Airport?

by Megs S. Lunn

At the outset, the new Kalibo International Airport (KIA) boosted the enthusiasm of all Aklanons, not only because it is new, but it is also categorized as an International Airport. There are several opportunities open for Aklan’s tourism industry. However, the enthusiasm gradually faded away. Now there is allegation “KIA is in disarray”. There are many verbal and emotional views about the disorganized airport regarding the positioning of business concessionaires inside and outside of the KIA terminal building. 

A person can see many popular businesses which display for sale non-Aklanon products. People may call it pathetic. However, a true Aklanon should protect Aklan’s One Town One Product  (OTOP) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s). But what Aklanon products to display? Are Aklanons producing enough souvenir items? Food items? 

Aklanons are very privileged to be given the opportunity to showcase some of their products in the KIA, the gateway to our tourism industry. 

However, it is unfortunate when one sees that Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) Manila is giving more privileges and priority to other businessmen first from outside Aklan. Why not allow Aklanons to establish before anybody else their businesses of KIA? During my talk with Engr. Percy Malonesio, KIA manager, he  admitted he has no say on any instruction from CAAP Manila, therefore, he including our local government officials cannot do anything to protect our own OTOP and local SME’s. What are they there for?

I learned that even the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Aklan had been requesting space in behalf of the Aklan producers but to no avail. Even our own Gov. Carlito S. Marquez and Cong. Joeben T. Miraflores intervened to help but again, it was in vain. There were many Aklanons who own SME’s who applied for space but they were frustrated. There is no more space. Yet, they learned later, kiosks emerged.

What on earth there is with CAAP Manila that is so impossible for them to give priority to our Aklanon producers? KIA is settled in our own territory, in the province of Aklan. Even the Aklan Provincial Tourism Office has stopped asking for more prominent space inside KIA because of some reasons. What a total shame for Aklan and Aklanons!

Whoever is giving the directives from CAAP Manila, he or she should consider showcasing Aklan’s best in a gallery type at the ground floor and other franchise businesses/kiosk on another floor. While KAMCI – the KIA Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Inc. has been protecting their own cooperative members’ businesses inside KIA, they also have no control of other business inside. I was told that even before, they were resistant to putting up the Aklan Heritage Arts and Crafts, Hugod Aklanons and other Aklan products. They were impeded to display and be in the forefront inside the airport terminal, because of KIA officials’ alleged own personal interest. Due to the proliferation of non-Aklanon products that are beyond their control, top airport officials are now requesting for assistance to limit the presence of goods coming from outside Aklan. 

Aklanons have nothing against investors from outside of Aklan. We welcome them as they are all around Aklan. However, Aklanons’ products like foods, arts and crafts, fiber crops should be allowed and should show stronger prominence inside KIA. 

It is with regret that non Aklanons are so disappointed and disgusted of what is happening inside KIA. Our local government may now invoke the provisions in the Local Gov’t Code that LGU officials must have say in the management of the KIA. CAAP Kalibo and Aklan Government must walk their talk in  promoting Aklan products and make it part of our tourism industry. Look into Aklan’s OTOP and local SME’s to be in its rightful place inside KIA. An impressive gallery of Aklan’s best should be prominent among others. It should be an exhibit of who are Aklanons. What they can offer to our tourists, local or international, if not, exclusively Aklan’s best! 

It is mandated in DTI’s OTOP presentation that local chief executives or every city and municipality should take the lead in promoting their products and services, that other sectors like the Provincial Tourism office and government concerned agencies should likewise lend a helping hand in sustaining the project. And the best way to do this is by showcasing them through the KIA. To support these projects will give an ideal view for the tourists what Aklan is and how can it helps the macro level economy. 

If Aklanon benefit from the booming tourism industry, then they are the beneficiaries. If they fail to benefit then they are the victims of the tourism industry. /MP  

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