Friday, July 13, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Happy Birthday!

EF wishes a happy! happy! Birthday to Atty. Kel Tolentino on his nth birthday which he simply celebrated last Wednesday, July 11. His relatives and friends rejoiced for Atty. Kel is born. 

Atty. Kel is a lawyer, teacher, historian, journalist, farmer and a good husband and father. He was president of Aklan Press Club, Inc., Aklan Senior SP member and vice governor. 

Happy birthday and may you maintain a good health so that you will have many happy birthdays more and enjoy life.

Boracay Is No. 1

Boracay Island is proclaimed No. I island in the world as published in the Travel & Leisure magazine based in New Year City. 

According to the information, Boracay Island got a 93.5 score, the highest among the scores of other islands.

Boracay Island being the No. I  best in the world and the highest score it got is an excellent reason to be happy and to celebrate.

If Boracay Island is situated and owned by other nation, there will be a big celebration. If I recall, Brazil was the world champion in Football in 2002. It happened Rencee and I were in Paris, France in July 2002. We were witnesses to the victory parade of the people of Brazil along the major avenues and boulevards in Paris, France. We saw the victory parade along Champs Elysees of the people from Brazil. 

But not among Aklanons. They are not jubilant for Boracay Island as it placed No. 1 island of the world. The announcement over the radio and newspapers about Boracay Island has not elicited any jubilation from the Aklanons. There was no reaction. 

A friend asked me why Aklanons are lukewarm of the announcement. I ventured a response. “Most of the Aklanons are not profiting from the Aklan provincial tourism industry. Even if many people from around the Philippines and the world visit Boracay Island, majority of the Aklanons does not share directly the money from the provincial tourism boom. Those who profits are people engaged in transportation, hotels restaurants, resorts, bars among others. And who own these establishments? Only very few Aklanons are engaged in them. Even the commercial spaces in the Kalibo International Airport are being leased mostly to people from other places”. 

For any Aklanon to benefit from the Aklan tourist industry, he must have something to sell to the visitors. He must have either goods or services to sell to the visitors in order to participate and profit in the tourists industry. Aklanon who does not sell anything to the visitors is a victim of tourism industry in Aklan. 

Tied In Pegs of Poverty

The presence of visitors in Aklan results to the increase demands of foods, transportation, lodging and recreation. And the increase in prices adversely affect the local people. The increasing people visiting Aklan proportionally increases the demand for transportation which increases traffic congestion and pollution both of smoke, dust and noise. The prices of foods increase as demands increase.

Some families resting in their homes especially in the evening are awaken by the noise from the planes landing and or taking off the KIA. The increase of vehicles not only in numbers and sizes worsen traffic. It has increased the cost, time of travel, and accidents on the road.

Hence, Aklanons who do not participate in tourist industry are the victims. To participate and profit from it, a person must produce either goods or services for sale to the visitors.

In spite of the presence of thousands of tourists in Aklan, most of the Aklanons are still strongly tied on the pegs of poverty.

Out of the 17 towns of Aklan, 14 municipalities are participating in the 4Ps program of the government which qualification to participate in it is to have majority of the people to belong to below the poverty level. Kalibo, Lezo, and Numancia are not participants to 4Ps.

While Aklan has a twin program on Tourism and agriculture, majority of the LGUs is quite weak in agriculture projects planning and implementation. If ever there is, it may be a token one.

Rice are coming in to Aklan from other provinces. Chicken egg and meat, beef, vegetables and fruits and even flowers are imported. Most souvenir items are products of other places. 

The present situation indicates there is a strong and urgent need for mayors and planning officers of Aklan to re-examine their development programs with the view and emphasis to motivate and encourage our people to benefit in the tourist industry through their creation of goods and services to be sold to Aklan’s visitors. /MP

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