Thursday, July 19, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

He Forgives

After seven weeks of his dismissal by impeachment, former chief justice of the Supreme Court Renato C. Corona revealed he is “moving on” and has “forgiven those who worked for his impeachment”. This includes President Benigno C. Aquino III.

“You can’t call on God for forgiveness without forgiving”, he told newsmen in Cebu City after a tape interview on the Cebu Catholic TV network last week. That was Corona’s first public appearance after his dismissal as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Corona needed peace. “The greatest gift God can give to a person is inner peace,” he pointed out.

Cristina accompanied her husband in Cebu City.

At 63 years old, Corona is now keeping himself busy with many things he has longed to do. He is now busy writing his “memoirs”, reading his favorite books, and watching DVDs about history. He plans to return to teaching on “special topics”.

Are you convinced you are guilty?

Corona remains convinced “the Supreme Court ruling upholding the total distribution of the 6,435 hectare sugar plantation Hacienda Luisita owned by the Aquino family was the main reason behind the impeachment” 

Hungry Filipinos Decreases

The number of poor and hungry Filipinos has decreased. 

According to the survey conducted on May 24 – 27, 2012, an estimated 10.3 million Filipino households or 51 percent of the total households admitted they are poor. This is lesser than the 11.4 million households or 55 percent recorded in the March survey.

Further, the survey revealed those who admitted they were poor in terms of food accounted for 39 percent or about 7.9 million households, a decrease from the former 45 percent.

Peso Rises

The Philippine peso strengthened further to its highest level in four (4) years, ending last week’s trading in the P41 to a US dollar.

The appreciation of the peso came about following reports the central banks of China and the European Union may implement measures to stimulate their respective economics.

The Philippine peso closed at 41.72 against the US dollar, up by 30 centavos compared to Monday finish of 42.02 to a US dollar. 

Moreover, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) pointed out that “the appreciation of the peso was not solely influenced by external factors but by the favorable economic indicators for the Philippines”.

Stress Factors

The Filipino tourists cannot readily decide what places to visit because of stress. According to the Global Survey done by Skyscanner, among the Filipino respondents, 64 percent said they are stressed in deciding where to go. Another 21 percent of the Filipino respondents’ believed “affordable flights” is also a stress factor when making travel arrangement.  

Filipinos had less worries on the following: quality of airport – 2.67 percent; accommodation – 1.91 percent; dates – 2.6 percent; finances – 1.84 percent; and passport issues – 5.92 percent.

The survey covered 20,000 respondents from 12 countries, the Philippines included.

The search for cheap flights is one main cause of stress and the need for the best value for money deals becomes essential. /MP                                                    

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