Thursday, August 16, 2012



Tourist Destinations Requires 
Marketing Plan

Kapihan forum at Carmen Hotel, NVC on August 11, 2012 discussed the topic, “Enhancing Multi-Destination of Tourism in Aklan”. Guests are Tangalan Mayor Gene Fuentes, Municipal Tourism Officers: Ms. Rhea Rose E. Meren – Kalibo, Ms. Lin B. Ilinon – Ibajay and Mr. Leopoldo C. Sanchez, Jr., - Numancia.

Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino underscored the need to strengthen tourism program since it is one of key centers of the economy. It has a high cost benefit ratio, promotes biodiversity and cultural awareness. It is imperative that government leaders and stakeholders aggressively plan for its promotion and some alternative tourists destinations like Tangalan, Ibajay, Kalibo, and Banga in addition to Boracay, Tolentino pointed out. 

Mayor Fuentes who is also OIC Municipal Tourism Officer agrees there is no competition but complementation in as far as tourism is concerned. Visits to various parts of the country like Abra, Cebu, Bohol, and Davao are significant because in those places, ethnic culture and unique sceneries are blended thereby creating a fascinating experience.

Visitors to Tangalan will find its imposing centuries old church built in 1889. At the foot of the lighthouse in Afga is waved rock formation facing the Sibuyan sea. Jawili is ideal, for bathing, snorkeling and beach sports competition in its extensive coralline white sand and protected waters. Marine sanctuary covers 375 hectares while pilot coral reef restoration project is funded by Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in the amount of P700,000. Jawili Falls sport a minipark and a Mango Bar. A 10 hectare mangrove ecopark is also funded by USaid to construct a bamboo foothpath.

Those interested in outdoor sports are welcomed to Campo Verde for horseback riding and mountain biking in the maze of trails and canopied trees. Of course we have one high end tourist establishment – Blue Star Resort and several budget oriented resorts like D’Wave, Devora, and Green Meadows among others, Mayor Fuentes pointed out.

Ibajay has its mangrove ecopark “Katunggan It Ibajay” (KII) which boasts of 28 out of 35 known mangrove species of the Philippines. Century old bakhawan covers 44 hectares located between barangays Bugtongbato and Naisud. The protected area is home to several wildlife species like egrets, bats, monitor lizard, crabs, clams, mudfish, and other sea shells. The interior area is accessible to visitors by an 800 meter bamboo footpath where a banca ride experience is available. KII is ideal for picnickers and nature lovers, said Ms. Ilinon.

Numancia humbly offers its century old acacia trees in Albasan and its OTOP organic fertilizer (vermicast). It is still into identification and development of its tourism potentials with P1.18 million LGU funding, Sanchez, Jr. revealed. 

Development of potential tourism sites is closely associated with accessibility, distance and accommodation facilities. It is noted that coastal road infra linking Kalibo – Numancia (via Albasan, Navitas) – Makato (Baybay) – Tangalan (Dapdap, Jawili) – Ibajay (Bugtongbato, Naisud) is possible if there is strong political will. Most challenging one is funding to connect Dapdap, Tangalan and Baybay, Makato with a steel bridge. 

The reason why there is massive poverty and unemployment in these coastal barangays is its poor road access and high cost of transport to market centers and institutions like schools, banks, hospital and airport. The economic livelihoods are in fisheries (marine and aquaculture) and agriculture (coconuts).

Jawili Falls’ natural beauty and attraction can only be effected by preserving its pristine state. This means expanding watershed area and enforcement of forest laws on illegal cutting of trees. It is very disappointing to find stagnant water and slime instead of cascading crystal cold waters every time there is prolonged drought. This is because of human greed.

Evidently, Jawili, Tangalan is the most promising alternative tourists site in Aklan because of its sizeable number of low cost business establishments. Patrons from Iloilo, Negros and Capiz regularly come to savor it bucolic atmosphere, vibrant marine fishing industry and wholesome night life. Aklan has several tourist destinations for anybody to be proud of. Its delight is in the pudding as the saying goes. 

Meanwhile, an economically viable and environmentally sound marketing plan must be crafted at the earliest possible time. Indeed, building main stream interest in our alternative tourist areas require a lot of patience, determination, and hard work.  /MP

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