Thursday, August 02, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Together Again

Vice Gov. Gabrielle V. Calizo – Quimpo and Congressman Florencio T. Miraflores made known their political plan for the May 2013 election on Monday, July 30 in press conference held at Latte Café, Estancia, Kalibo. Cong. Miraflores announced: “For the good of Aklan province, I invited Vice Gov. Billie Calizo-Quimpo to partner with me for the continued development and progress of Aklan”. He added, “Billie has proven track records in the political scene as former board member and congresswoman of the province…and that her experience in tourism is most needed too,” reported Megs Lunn.

According to Vice Gov. Calizo – Quimpo, “I have many dreams for the legislative in Aklan. I…thank my friends, motivators and constituents who are encouraging me for a higher office. However, I will not be comfortable to leave the Sangguniang Panlalawigan without finishing my business and dreams for the SP”.

Mraflores aims to continue the Agriculture and Tourism program of Aklan after his stint in the House of Representatives on June 30, 2013.

On the other hand, Calizo – Quimpo does not feel comfortable to “leave SP without finishing her business and dreams for the SP”.

Miraflores  was Mayor of Ibajay, nine years Governor of Aklan, and nine years congressman of the lone district of Aklan on June 30, 2013.

The current Ibajay town Mayor is his beloved wife, Lulu Miraflores. Their son, Jo-en is also on his first term as member of the Aklan SP. 

The Joeben Miraflores family is really devoted Aklanon. The three principals in the family are devoting their time, effort, and all for the service of the Aklanons. The father has spent long time as Mayor of Ibajay, nine years governor of Aklan, nine years congressman on June 30, 2013. And still he wishes to win the gubernatorial election to continue his services for Aklan for another three years (2013 – 2016). The mother is now Mayor of Ibajay while the son is SP member. 

Indeed, they have insatiable greed to serve their people.

Carabao Mango

During the 26th Regular Session For CY 2012 held on Wednesday, August 1, the Aklan SP approved the “urgent request of Governor Carlito S. Marquez for an authority to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Dept. of Agriculture Regional Field Unit VI, Iloilo City for the project Foundation Scion Grove Establishment for Carabao Mango”. Hon. Nemesio P. Neron sponsored the approval of the Governor’s request. 

The Foundation Scion Grove Establishment for Carabao Mango was not furnished the media. No members of the SP present did not asked any question on the request especially on its technical aspect. But are they aware of what is this project about?

I surmised, the project being a mango is a pomology, the science of fruit production, specifically carabao mango by asexual propagation. 

Philippines Hits Cambodia 

The Philippines summoned Cambodia’s ambassador to explain comments he made accusing it and Vietnam of playing “dirty politics” in trying to solve a maritime row with China.

The move appeared to further deepen divisions within the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), two weeks after a ministerial meeting Cambodia hosted ended in disarray over the sea dispute.

DFA spokesman Raul Hernandez said Cambodian ambassador Hos Sereythonh was asked Tuesday to  explain his comments, but he failed claiming he was sick.

Ambassador Sereythonh said the ‘inflexible and non-negotiable position of two countries of ASEAN is dirty politics’.” Hos accused the Philippines and Vietnam of working to “sabotage and hijack the joint communique” during the ASEAN meeting.

The Philippines and Vietnam should not blame Cambodia for ASEAN’s failure to issue an end-of-meeting statement spelling concerns in the region, a first in its 45 year history.

Tensions have escalated this year.  China became embroiled in diplomatic rows with the Philippines and Vietnam. The Philippines called on its fellow ASEAN members at the Cambodia meeting to support it against China. /MP

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