Sunday, August 12, 2012

JCI On Signature Campaign To Save Boracay

The Junior Chamber International-Philippines, formerly known as the Philippine Jaycees, is an affiliate National Organization of Junior Chamber International (JCI). JCI is a membership-based, non-profit organization of over 4,000 young adults aged 18 to 40 in more than 160 chapters spread across 22 regions in the Philippines. 

 Guided by JCI principles which ultimately direct their actions towards service to humanity, they believe that part of their responsibility is to forward environmental awareness and conservation. Many might not know that while our country is developing at a rapid pace, our natural resources are taking a beating. One glaring example of this is Boracay, a globally famous beach that has been drastically changed due to heedless commercialization.

 To respond to this call to action, JCI launched a signature campaign dubbed as “Sama Ka, Let’s Save Boracay!” on August 4, 2012. That event included various activities such as a coastal clean-up and a press conference @ 10 AM detailing our efforts to save the environment in Boracay. JCI members from all over Southeast Asia also came over to support the event.

 According to Ms. Andrea Gonzales, proceeds generated will be forwarded to the Municipality of Malay to be used for the training of elementary school students in environmental conservation, tourism, and hospitality industry. This signature campaign not only seeks to develop awareness among locals and tourists about the need to save Boracay environmentally. More than that, it aims to develop the next generation of green tourism experts. By doing so, we are not only teaching the children how to save Boracay but we are also empowering them to become advocates and stewards of their very own island, making the campaign more sustainable and impactful    /MP

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