Monday, September 17, 2012

PRC Chairman’s Report 2010-2011 Chapter Accomplishments

by Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino
PRC Chapter Chairman

One of the highlights of the 28th PRC Aklan Biennial Assembly was the Chapter Chairman’s report.

The Philippine Red Cross (PRC), Aklan Chapter was born officially on December 18, 1956. Over the years, the Red Cross, Aklan Chapter has made efforts to effectively implement the different services offered by the Philippine Red Cross.

The 2010-2011 accomplishment report follows:

Disaster Management Services (DMS)
The DMS has always been in the forefront of every calamity. It has kept tight watch of disasters, responding to humanitarian challenges and bringing assistance to the most vulnerable. The Aklan Chapter is a beneficiary of Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management Project of the PRC funded by the Foreign Ministry of Finland through Finish Red Cross. The project aims for the safety and resiliency of targeted communities to disasters.
The project is implemented in the five (5) barangays of Kalibo and Numancia: Brgy. Bakhaw Norte, Bakhaw Sur, Mobo, Aliputos, and Bulwang.


Community Based Disaster Management – 123 participants
Barangay Disaster Action Team – 48 
Training of Trainers’ Vulnerability Capability Assessment – 15 
Baseline Survey in 5 targeted barangays (Aliputos, Bulwang, Bakhaw Norte, Bakhaw Sur, Mobo)
Vulnerability Capacity Assessment in 5 targeted barangays
Developed 5 Barangay Disaster Action Plans
Distribution of Disaster Awareness Posters, Leaflets & Flyers
Disaster Awareness Poster-making Contest in Schools
Small Scale Mitigation Project
Bamboo foot bridge (Brgy. Bakhaw Norte, Kalibo, Aklan)
Distribution of Emergency Equipments to 5 Barangays
Megaphones, AM/FN Transistor Radios, Crow Fry, raincoats, Red Cross Vests, Rain Boots, Heavy Duty Search Lights, Shovels, Pick Mattocks, Pry bars, Shovels, Working Gloves, Axes, Whistles, Jump Kits, First Aid Supplies, BP Apparatus.

Blood Services

The Blood Services is one service of the Philippine Red Cross that continues to address the humanitarian needs of our province mates and countrymen in general. The PRC Blood Services aims to save lives by providing effective and safe blood products in a cost-effective manner, utilizing quality management system. 
The PRC Aklan Blood Services was able to serve our clients a total of 3,314 units for 2010 and 3,707 units for 2011.
Of the 100% blood needs of the entire province annually, 80 percent was sustained by PRC Aklan Chapter made possible through the recruitment of voluntary non-remunerated blood donors and through continues blood donation campaign joined by the Aklan Voluntary Blood Coordinating Council, Aklan Provincial Government, LGUs, NGO,s Public/Private Establishments, Groups and Organizations.

Screened Blood Collections – 7,409 units
Blood Request Received (Aklan) – 6,908 units
Blood Request Served (Aklan, Capiz, Iloilo, Antique, Manila) – 7,021 units
Mass Blood Donation Organized – 86
MBD Blood Units Collected – 2,320 units
The Provincial Government headed by Gov. Carlito S. Marquez, donated a two-door blood refrigerator and detailed four (4) registered nurses to operate the PRC Aklan Blood Bank on a 24/7 basis.


The Safety Services is charged with the task of securing the health and safety of Filipinos. To successfully carry out this task, the Safety Services Program includes training in First Aid, Basic Life Support (CPR), Accident Prevention, Water Safety and etc.
The Safety Services also offers first aid, ambulance service, beach patrol and basic rescue services.
Safety Services Activities
First Aid Training Conducted – 1,142 graduates
Basic life Support Training – 588 graduates
FA & BLS Instructors’ Training Course – 18 graduates 
Ambulance Operation Management Training – 26 graduates
Accident Prevention Training – 19 graduates
First Aid Stations Organized – 47 
Community Health and Nursing Services (CHNS)
The CHNS is in the forefront of promoting health in the community through primary health care and nursing care approaches. It continues to expand its service outlets according to the emerging health needs of the most vulnerable. 

CHNS Activities

HIV/AIDS Prevention for Community Health Volunteers Training – 10 participants
HIV/AIDS Community Dissemination – 1,281 pax reached
Dengue Awareness Campaign – 668 household reached
Hand – washing Demonstration – 5 barangays, 9 public schools
Distribution of health materials (leaflets)

Red Cross Youth

The RCY instills among the young the values of community health, solidarity and service to humanity through engagement in civic work. It provides opportunities for character – building as well as regular health, first aid, drug prevention and blood donor recruitment. The RCY aims to entice the youth to be committed and to strive hard to become active youth volunteer of the Red Cross.

Youth Activities

Youth Volunteers Orientation Course – 272 participants 
HIV/AIDS Youth Peers Educators Training – 42 participants 
Basic Leadership Training – 149 participants 
Red Cross Youth Assembly – 200 participants 
Red Cross Youth Councils Organized – 18 
Pledge 25 (RCY Blood Donors) – 34
Youth reached through Peer Education on HIV/AIDS Program – 247
Council Management Training and First Aid Training for RCY Advisers – 25 participants 

Social Services 

The SOS is committed to improve the quality of life of the most helpless and disadvantaged individuals, families and communities.
The chapter has a total of 162 cases given immediate assistance through Inquiry and Communication, Emergency Leave Assistance, and Referrals.
International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
The Chapter was able to promote IHL to different target groups. A total of 35 IHL session were conducted with a total of 1,751 participants during the IHL month (August).
Volunteer Service 
The Chapter depends on the untiring efforts given by trained volunteers. All major and minor activities, campaigns, projects and services of the PRC would not have been possible if not for the volunteers who have overwhelmingly provided time, talent and trust to the organization. 
One of the most thrust programs of the PRC is the Red Cross 143, a project that teaches people to look after and care for their respective communities. The PRC volunteers have been mobilized in order to give adequate services to the activities of different programs such as relief and rescue operations. During the 55th PRC Aklan Chapter Anniversary on December 18, 2011 the Recognition of Volunteers was the highlight of the event. Eight (8) Chapter Board of Directors received the highest Chapter Red Cross Awards: Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino, the late Atty. Tomas S. Raz and the late Mr. Ernesto F. Melgarejo – Gold Medal of Merit; Hon. Daisy S. Briones and Hon. Nilda B. Tambong – Silver Medal of Merit; Gov. Carlito S. Marquez, Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente, and Atty. Plaridel M. Morania – Bronze Medal of Merit.

Million Volunteers Run  

On December 4, 2011 the Chapter organized its Million Volunteers Run participated by volunteers from all walks of life. It was a very successful event and the Red Cross Aklan Chapter is grateful to all the supporters and participants of the event. 


As a Red Cross member, you become part of the premier humanitarian organization that alleviates human suffering and restore human dignity. You will be protected in times of accidents, 24 hours a day, whether you are in the Philippines or anywhere in the world. 
As a Red Cross member, you create a sense of self worth because you share a portion of yourself to the most vulnerable…and sharing a portion of yourself is the greatest gift of all.
The PRC Aklan Chapter has a total of 19,412 registered members from 2010 to 2011 the highest, percentage wise, in the Visayas Region and among the top Chapters nationwide.
To all of you who had been supportive in all the undertakings of the PRC Aklan Chapter is our expression of gratefulness. It is hereby prayed that you continue reaching out to the most vulnerable by ever staying as busybodies through the Red Cross Aklan. Collectively, in due time, we shall find consolation when PRC Aklan will have achieved excellence in humanitarian service. /MP

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