Thursday, September 20, 2012

Strengthening Rural Based Organization, Casiño Solicits Support for His Senatorial Bid


Part I of the weekly Kapihan is titled, “Trend of Rural Based Organizations” held at Carmen Hotel, NVC on September 8, 2011. Guests are Ms. Alice Rebuelta, Agricultural Technologist–Kalibo, Ms. Margeline dela Rosa, Pres.–Pambansang Magsasaka ng Pilipinas (Manalon, Magbabaul, Mag-uuma, Magsasaka) FA/P 4MP and Kag. Amelya Fernandez, Pres.–Federation of Rural Improvement Club.

Ms. Rebuelta said that the Municipal Agricultural Office of LGU Kalibo is mandated to render technical assistance and develop capability building of farmers, fisherfolks, homemakers and youths to increase farm productivity and income. Due to the specific needs and interests, the LGU Kalibo Office organizes clienteles into Farmers’ Association (FA), Rural Improvement Club (RIC), 4-H Club (youth 15-30 years old), Municipal Agriculture and Fisheries Council (MAFC) and Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Council (FARMC). Fourteen Agriculture Technologists (AT’s) handle the technology transfer such as season long training (120 days) on rice, corn and vegetables. Regular meetings are held in every barangay as a way to disseminate improved farming practices. The total of 21 P 4MP’s have been organized in Kalibo.

There are 10 barangays in Kalibo which have RIC’s reported Ms. Fernandez. They are now a municipal federation which celebrated its first anniversary last September 2. Skills training are on meat processing (longanisa), food delicacies (puto squash, pulvoron topped with malunggay) and supplemental feeding for pre-schoolers. The agricultural technologists had traditionally implemented programs on crops, livestock and fisheries production by working through rural organizations. It actively supports breastfeeding and backyard vegetable production especially easy to grow but nutritious crops like malunggay, balagay or winged bean, gabi and papaya.

Ms. de la Rosa disclosed that they have conducted two (2) season long trainings on rice to reduce production input. Under the scheme, farmers are encouraged to adopt hybrid rice seeds subsidized at P1,600 per bag by the Provincial government, apply organic fertilizer (vermicast, rice straw and barnyard manure, and botanical pesticides (hot pepper, makabuhay, neem extract, tubli, jatropha, lemon grass). Field school is rigorous and comprehensive that farmer participants become knowledgeable not only on theory but actual farm practice. 

Rural youth, majority are out of school, are given hands on training on livelihood projects through the 4-H club. They are federated under the Presidency of Cendrix Masangya. Three 4-H Clubs received financial assistance for their projects from DA-ATI-RTC 6 namely: Estancia 4-H Club (swine fattening and egg machine – P100,00), Pook 4-H Club (Swine fattening – P50,000) and Andagao 4-H Club – swine breeding – P50,000). 

Atty. Allen S. Quimpo noted that despite our agriculture based economy, the Philippine budget for agriculture is less than 2.0 percent of GDP. (UNDP recommendation is 7.0 percent). Our annual rice importation of 1.3 million metric tons is lamentable. More disturbing is that 80 percent of our rural population is in poverty.

In his travel to South Korea, Quimpo is surprised as famers there although producing rice once a year are very progressive, wealthy and powerful. “The farmers’ cooperatives actively formulate agricultural policies like no rice importation from Japan”, said the former Solon. He speaks with authority since Atty. Quimpo has a master’s degree in Rural Development. 

CasiÑo’s Senatorial Bid

Part II of Kapihan is guesting of an Aklanon Patylist Representative, Bayan Muna – Hon. Teddy Acevedo Casiño. He was born in Davao City but spent his boyhood days in Kalibo, Aklan where he stayed with his grandparents – Emily Icamina Acevedo and Dr. Salvador Acevedo, a Dentist. 

He attended Grade I and II classes at Kalibo Pilot Elem. School where his teachers noted his exceptional talent and leadership.
Cong. Casiño, 44 has authored several laws like tax exemption for minimum wage earners, rent control, anti-torture act and strengthening the Public Attorney’s Office. He began his congressional career in 1993 and got re-elected for 3 terms. Concurrently, he is Chairman, House Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development.

His fervent desire is to continue his advocacy as spokesperson of the marginalized sector of society – the farmers, fisherfolks, disabled and laborers, this time in the Senate. Fortunately, he got the favorable endorsement of his Makabayan Coalition, an umbrella arm of Bayan Muna. To win pastylist representative you must amass 160,000 votes, but for the Senate seat it must be at least 16 million. 

Some bills in Congress which he fully supports are Freedom of Information, Whistleblower Protection, Zero Vat for Oil and Power, Downstream Oil Regulation, School Fees Regulation and Free Hospitalization for Senior Citizens. 

Running as an independent candidate for the Senate could be the defining moment in the political career of the son of Aklan. He admitted, he is the 3rd poorest congressman in the present Congress based on SALN records. However, with traditional policies even with gifted mortals like Plato and Aristotle could not pass the grade because you basically need well oiled party machinery.

This early, pressure must be mounted that Cong. Casiño be included in the LP senatorial ticket for next year’s elections since he is aligned with the Administration. In addition, he needs to do more public relations job since many Aklanons neither know him nor his accomplishments. 

At the Acevedo Farm where relatives and friends gathered in a reunion, Baby Quimpo Acevedo called for unity and cooperation to the candidacy of Teddy Casiño. Joining her are Cong. Joeben Miraflores, Atty. Allen S. Quimpo, Vice Gov. Billie Calizo Quimpo, Prov’l Administration Diego Luces, Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino, Malinao Mayor Wilberto Igoy,  Banga Mayor Antonio Mameng and SP Member Raymar A. Rebaldo. /MP    

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