Sunday, September 30, 2012

TESDA Works From The Grassroots Up


Tough and challenging times are ahead of us. Considering the high cost of college education, poverty incidence and unemployed Filipinos despite their being college graduates, it is logical that today’s youth actively pursue technical vocational courses, said Atty. Teodoro C. Pascua, TESDA Dep. Director General for Field Operations.

In a presscon at Café Latte, Andagao, Kalibo on September 18, 2012, he proudly stated that TESDA graduates of 1 to 2 years course is 61 percent fully employed in their various chosen fields of expertise. This is less than 20 percent compared with the 4 year college course graduates. Whether in Caraga region, Pangasinan, Catanduanes and elsewhere, the average earning per day of professional massage therapist is P520. This is more than double the daily minimum wage. TESDA is now ISO certified as of February 2012 said Pascua.

Some 40 tech voc school administrators and Aklan Press Club members attended the presscon. It was a welcome opportunity to know the 2011 accomplishments of the TESDA prepared under the supervision of Mr. Edwin S. Villanueva, Provincial Director that showed remarkable accomplishments compared to last year. 

The delivery of services is categorized into: 1. training; 2. scholarship program; 3. assessment and certification; 4. employment of graduates; 5. program registration; and 6. accreditation of assessors.

The training program is undertaken among the 23 technical vocational schools with the total enrolment of 3,751 and graduates of 2,429. Modalities are school-based, training center, community-based and enterprise-based training. Depending on facilities and administrative orientation, enrolment choices are on tourism, housekeeping, food and beverage, cooking, caregiving, automotive servicing, therapeutic and relaxing massage, baking, and fish processing.

There are 689 scholarship slots under Tech Voc program classified into Private Educational Student Financial Assistance (PEFA) and Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP). PESFA’s current budget is P2.4 million while TWSP is P1.9 million. 

As of 2011, competency assessment was given to 2,378 graduates. Of this number 1,956 or 82 percent passed and were given Certificates of Competency (COC). High employability is shown with 984 passers mostly employed in tourism business establishments in Boracay. Others are in health and community services, building and motor servicing shops. Due to heightened assurance and diligence, some have gone into entrepreneurship and a few working overseas. 

The report cited 7 new programs registered and 20 assessors accredited to screen and certify graduates and industry workers.

Congressman Florencio T. Miraflores contributed P625,000 and Kasangga Partylist Rep. Teodorico T. Haresco, Jr. contributed P250,000 for market driven training program and equipment. Obviously, they need to do more since TESDA is operating on a shoe string budget and unable to meet strong clientele demand.

It is with deep regret that Mr. Edwin S. Villanueva is under preventive suspension for 90 days. Ms. Perla C. Guanco is concurrently Officer In-Charge of TESDA Aklan. This was confirmed by Atty. Pascua who was in Aklan to conduct investigation. Meanwhile, the Ombudsman has no decision yet. Mr. Villanueva is deemed innocent of the charge until proven guilty. /MP    

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