Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

The Three Strong Aklanons

The book is now open. It has been read during a press con held at Café Latte, Estancia, Kalibo. The presscon started late Saturday noon, Sept. 22.

The three top officials of Aklan spoke after the other, then followed by questions from the Aklan tri-media members. The answers came from Gov. Carlito S. Marquez, Congressman Florencio T. Miraflores, and Kasangga Partylist Representatives Teodorico T. Haresco, Jr.

Kasangga, while it is a Filipino term is as well an Aklanon. To the Aklanons, “Sangga” means companion, a pair. Sangga fits well if used in game like “madiong”. There are four players in madiong who may be grouped into two teams. A team with two members each. and the two members in that team is called Sangga, saeanggaan. Other examples are in ball games like basketball and soft ball. The members of the team are called Kasangga.

Kasangga is also a Filipino term which means a companion who both rely on each other to prevent any harm from occurring to any member of the group or organization.

It was Gov. Carlito S. Marquez who spoke first. He dealt on the history, how they arrived on the decision on the team composition to win the various elective positions in the May 2013 local elections. In the delivery of his speech, Marquez was emotional. His tears dropped. 

Finally, he announced the now Congressman of Aklan Florencio T. Miraflores to be his candidate for Governor in the May 2013 elections. Kasangga Partylist Congressman Teodorico T. Haresco, Jr. will not run for reelection for he will be a candidate for Congressman for the Lone District of Aklan.
After careful study, evaluation, and analysis he said, (Marquez) will be a candidate for congressman under the Kasangga partylist. He will be the number one nominee. 

Opens Door

His being a candidate under the Kasangga Partylist will open another window and another door for Marquez.

While campaigning during the election period outside of Aklan, Marquez will be exposed to other provinces and cities of the Philippines. He will be able to project himself among those people as a promising leader not only in Aklan but in the Philippines. This is a good chance, a big opportunity for Marquez. It will depend how Gov. Marquez plays his piece during the campaign and in his performance in Congress after he won the election.   

Congressman Joeben T. Miraflores seconded Gov. Marquez announcement. Miraflores related how the three (3) of them reached to the reapportionment of the top three elected positions in Aklan.

He told the presscon audience of his unfinished programs and projects which their team must pursue. He told them of how greatly he loves the Aklanons and his propensity for public service. Miraflores told them especially the poor that he cannot allow them to remain poor. Thus, he is seeking again the position of Provincial Governor of Aklan in the May 2013 elections. He wishes to further serve the Aklanons even after serving as Mayor of Ibajay, Aklan Governor for nine (9) years and about nine (9) years congressman of Aklan. 

Miraflores did not announce how many bills he authored which became laws, or resolutions approved. He lamented his failure, in view of the objections of Senator Sergs Osmeña, against the approval of his (Miraflores) Redistricting Bill, and Land Titling In Boracay Island bill.


Kasangga Partylist Congressman Teodorico T. Haresco, Jr. was grateful for the supports the Aklanons has given him. 

Haresco reported his accomplishment as a Kasangga Partylist Congressman. He explained what are the mission and vision Kasangga aims to accomplish. 

He talked about “Rolling Kusina”, the micro finance program among others. Haresco also talked about himself as a businessman and his objectives why he wishes to be congressman to represent Aklan in Congress.

In his handout to the members of the media, it included a tabloid Kasangga “Volume 4, No. I which published its doings. Haresco reported there the resolutions he authored and approved. He listed his plans, projects and activities for the Aklanons like the construction of bridges. /MP  

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