Friday, October 26, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Urgent Need For Statistics

In the field of statistics, the month of October is celebrated as “National Statistics Month”. This year’s celebration theme is: “Monitoring Progress on Decent Work Through Statistics Pathway to Inclusive Growth”.

There are several activities now on going to highlight the uses and importance of statistics in the lives of the people. Statistics is really one of the most important tools in project planning, monitoring and evaluation as being emphasized in this year’s theme. 

Along this line, the provincial government of Aklan held a one day Statistical Forum. It was held in the Provincial Trade Hall, Capitol Ground, Kalibo, Aklan on Thursday, October 25, 2012

Some very relevant and urgent topics were presented and discussed like “Impact Assessment of 4Ps in the Province of Aklan”, by Ms. Cristina Tercena of the DSWD Aklan. In the open forum, Mr. Odon Bandiola was highly critical of its implementation. While he agreed in some aspects, Bandiola pointed out some weak points worthy of consideration.

Hon. Jerome Legaspi, SB member of Libacao revealed his experience of 4Ps implementation in Libacao. For one thing, Hon. Legaspi pointed out the defects in monitoring. “Instead of visiting the beneficiaries in their respective houses, the monitors just call them in a specified place to meet them. 

Ms. Guangco, OIC of TESDA Aklan presented “TESDA In Aklan”, the various TESDA programs and projects. The presentation was comprehensive. There is one suggestion however; TESDA must also cover the backyard food system in Aklan especially in Kalibo. There are several small eateries catering to the food needs of the people. But, these eateries are in urgent need of trainings to improve the quality of food being served and services rendered. There is the need to train them in sanitation, food handling and handling of utensils such as glasses, plates, spoons and forks. Sometimes, their food servers are in “sando”.

Farmers & Fisherfolks’ Efforts 

Ms. Dina G. Ruiz of DTI Aklan ably presented the topic: “Enabling Business, Empowering Consumers”. She has mastered her topic. It was excellently presented, comprehensive of what the DTI is doing in Aklan.

While consumers usually pay the price tag of industrial products, manufactured goods and process products without too much ado, they are so stingy in paying the already reasonable prices of farm products. They bargain too strong to the extent of paying farmers and fisherfolks goods at give away prices. 

Aklan is farm products and fish producers. DTI Aklan is also requested to include consumers education concerning agricultural and marine products. Consumers must also learn to pay the price of high quality fruits, vegetables and fishes among others. They must also be educated on the process of production in order to appreciate the efforts exerted by farmers and fisherfolks to produce our food.

The Statistical Forum was sponsored by LGU Aklan through Engr. Roger M. Esto and Engr. Lorna Cawaling of the Provincial Planning and Development Office.

I was informed ASU Banga and ASU New Washington were invited to the forum. However, I did not see any representative from ASU. Is there? How can our premier state university be responsive for the development of the Aklan’s marine and farm resources if they stay away from the provincial activities like the statistical forum? /MP          

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