Sunday, October 21, 2012

New Priest Installation Maayon Church Renovation

A throng of parishioners, benefactors and guests gathered recently in Poblacion, Maayon, Capiz. They celebrated two momentous events. One is the solemn installation of Very Rev. Fr. Conrado  B.  Palete Jr. as parish priest of Maayon and the ground-breaking rites for the renovation of the Holy Child Parish Church.

The Most Rev. Jose F. Advincula, D.D., archbishop of Capiz, presided at the solemn installation of the new parish priest.

These occasions are believed to rekindle among the Maayonanons and benefactors their burning desire and commitment to help renovate their church. The excitement was inspired by the recent donation of a church lot by spouses Ricardo Almeida and Milagros Dullano Almeida and their family with an area of 6,866 sq. m.

As a token of gratitude and appreciation, the Archdiocese of Capiz and the people of Maayon awarded a Plaque of Appreciation to the Almeida Family.

The on-going renovation work of the church started on September 17 this year. Considering the huge amount needed for the renovation work, the Maayonanons in Capiz and abroad are pooling their efforts together for a vigorous fund raising campaign.

Local officials headed by Mayor Wilfredo Borres and other non-government organizations are supportive to the effort spearheaded by the Maayon Parish Renovation Movement which Dr. Sandra Sorongon heads. (by Bienvenido P. Cortes.) /MP

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