Thursday, October 04, 2012



My Only Best Friend For Life

“Difficulties in life are designed for us to be better, not bitter. Failures are committed for us to learn a lesson, not to become lesser. There are times when one is maybe lonely but never alone. In life, comes a time to retire but not tired. Tough times end; tough people doesn’t. “

Every day is a new day. Let it be one’s chance to renew itself and to correct mistakes. Every new day is good opportunity for one to share his love for everybody. Like the prayer by Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD, “Lord, give me the grace to make the rest of my life the best of my life.”

Every day, one receives food for thought, quotation or two that in return one forwards to his friends with the hope to inspire them, too. However, there are still people around who are bitter in life and are not open to the beautiful new day God is offering people every day as they wake up to a new day. I wonder if one can still sleep peacefully with a heart full of hatred, grudges, envy and greed. I can only pray for them. 

Each person has difficulty in life. One is not but alone in his journey. God has given people a family and friends who comfort them in times of sorrow and is jubilant with them in time of success. These are Christians who are not tired of helping and lending a hand to hold on, a shoulder to cry on and a companion who can walk along with. 

There are times in people’s life when they feel they are lonely. But yes, they are not all alone. If one can’t find that someone he can talk with, turn to God. Turn to only one best friend for life. As He promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you. People may turn their back on you, but not ME.” Indeed, it is tested and proven that God alone is people’s only refuge in times of trouble, sorrow and even joy. Most people just remember God in times of their need, but not in times when they are supposed to go back to Him and say thank You. Some people are guilty of this. 

Though I have friends who made the story of my life in a thousand ways, they have turned my limitations into beautiful privileges. My friends are my oasis, who encourage me to go on and they are essential to my well-being. But it is with God’s grace I can endure and persevere in any test. For when my weakest moments come, God’s strength is at its best. 

I always carry a heart that appreciates every blessing and see it always as big as an eye that sees only what is missing. I look at the people around me as someone I can journey in my life with. I appreciate them, what they do in my life. I am happy for them for I will be rewarded with peaceful thoughts, a peaceful living. I live life to the fullest and make God my only one true best friend - for life! /MP

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