Sunday, October 14, 2012



Election Fever

I can still remember when I first got acquainted with a political party during the 2007 election. I was very appreciative of that experience as I became aware of my purpose. I did realized how dirty politics could be. 

On the other hand, I learned many things. It taught me many lessons. How compromising and manipulating it could be, even to the extent of pushing one’s limit and boundary in order to deliver and be ‘in’ with the group. After that, I was told I am a ‘propagandist’. I was part of the winning formula. But I did not realized how my participation has helped them. If what they said is sincere, then I replied, thank you.

In 2010, I was surprised and privileged at the same time to be appointed by Smartmatic Company to lead thousands of technical working groups in Aklan simultaneously with another group in Capiz. It was a huge responsibility to monitor and report. The training given us was overwhelming and the compensation was more than enough than we could ask for. The position and functions were actually intimidating to some Comelec officials. I was called to explain my side why I accepted the position. Can a person question another person’s personal decision? I was even threatened to leave the position or else. I was compelled to give my side and even fought for it. I know the fact. I did no wrong. I just accepted the appointment not even knowing what are at stake. Then I discovered many things behind it. Why, am I intimidating them? So therefore, I continued to fight and eventually won.

I did my job accordingly as to the job description. I delivered my output well and successfully, even rendered long hours beyond the call of duty. Then I realized that my life was at stake. My integrity was challenged. Once I am at peace with myself and I am fighting for the truth, I believe I will be vindicated in the end. It was the glorious moment for me and my group. 

To use the electronic machine for the May 2013 election is the right thing to do. It indeed eliminates cheating. It is more effective and faster to deliver election results. It lightens the job of election board and reduces election time. It saves cost and time. It prevents election violence. 

Next year 2013, the Philippines will hold her local elections. Right now, voters are anticipating in excitement who will be their most awaited candidates. I wish the people, this time, will be more careful and intelligent in choosing their leaders who are capable of delivering effective, efficient, and productive governance. People must know deeper the candidates they will vote and elect into office. If I may suggest, please look for these factors that the men or women we vote possess the following:

1. Their desirable values and unquestionable love of country and people;
2. Their integrity, honesty, and capability;

3. Desirable personal characteristics, competence, capability and skills in the application of knowledge, techniques and degree of excellence in their work;

4. Their accomplishments in the previous offices they have served like as mayor, as governor and as congressman;

5. Their proper conduct and decorum at home and in public. Are they fair in the delivery of services and treatment of community and people? and

6. Their love, passion for service and the sincerity to the people.

These and many more thoughts we need to consider in the next election. We have more time to think. We can only pray to God to give us wisdom, to be wise in our voting. The election is exercise of democratic freedom. We ought to perform accordingly and wisely.  /MP

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