Friday, November 23, 2012


Improving Tourist Products of Aklan

Atty. Helen J. Catalbas, Reg’l Director, Department of Tourism (DOT) Region No. VI was the keynote speaker of Brainstorming and Tasking Session of Aklan Provincial Tourism Stakeholders held at Corazon L. Cabagnot Tourism and Training Center, Old Buswang, Kalibo on November 14, 2012. She was ably assisted by Ms. Vicky Ramos Antonino, co-chairman, Aklan Provincial Tourism Council (APTC).

Director Catalbas, in a powerpoint presentation, discussed the Regional Tourism Plan for 2012 that targets 4.9 million international tourists and 3.8 million domestic tourists. International tourists come from abroad for pleasure, attend festival, visit friends and relatives, stay in a host country not less than 24 hours but not more than a year. 

Domestic tourists come from within the Philippines. They may be a foreigner by virtue of their changes of citizenship but of Pilipino descent. It is expected the host country provides the best tourist products like memorable experience from the time they arrive to the time they leave Aklan. 

The place of origin is tourists market or place like France where people demand the tourist products, accommodations and souvenirs. For example the top 10 markets of Aklan in 2011 were South Korea, Taiwan, China, USA, Australia, Russia, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and Hongkong.

Aklan tourism products, said Atty. Catalbas consist of nature based tourism, cultural tourism, sun and beach tourism, leisure and entertainment, meeting and convention center, health and wellness tourism, cruise and nautical tourism and education tourism. Out of the 29 official clusters, Western Visayas is ranked No. 5. To improve the region’s tourism standing with the help of the many stakeholders in Aklan, it is not long and far to reach one notch higher after a year or two.

The brainstorming session produced prodigious data and information as to the nature based tourism and cultural tourism activities. The session recommended the separation of domestic flights from international flights, additional facilities at Kalibo International Airport like runway extension, taxi parking, and terminal building expansion among others, Pook Development Eco Park and Jetty Port, additional hotels and convention center and product showcase will be great addition.

Presently, Aklan has 600 tourist oriented business establishments, 274 transport facilities (Soutwest – 34 units, Island Star – 40, and KIATA – 200). The sustainability of tourism in Aklan could be achieved by adopting a multi destination strategy with tourists spending at least two days in mainland Aklan, three days in Boracay.

A total of 47 accredited stakeholders, municipal tourism officers and representatives of government line agencies attended the affair. (with the report of Ernesto T. Solidum) 

Tourism Situation In Aklan

Tourism situation in mainland Aklan is considered poor or inadequate. The brainstorming session concluded: 90 percent of investments have been poured into development of Boracay largely by foreigners and Filipino businessmen. The return on investment if rated at 30 percent could easily double since foreign currency is used. (The government does infrastructure improvement.)

The tourism facilities like hotels, resorts, diving sites and cruise ship in mainland Aklan are gradually developed by stakeholders in Kalibo, Tangalan, Ibajay, Nabas, Malay, Buruanga, New Washington and Libacao. The target is to complement, reinforced other natural assets and richness of Aklanon heritage. It does not compete with Boracay, rather compliment.

Business prospects are limited to nature – based tourism (mangrove eco parks), cultural (Sto. Niño festival) handicraft products), cruise and nautical tourism (Lagatik – Tinagong Dagat river cruise). However, the program is hampered by the shortage of facilities and convenient accommodation for guests.

The Aklan Provincial Tourism Council is in the right track of implementing aggressive program to inform and educate Aklanons and foreign tourists on multi-destinations approach. If the average length of stay of tourist is five days, at least he spends two days in mainland Aklan. 

The Ati-atihan town of Kalibo comes up with a package tour that covers visit to mangrove ecopark, Aklan museum, Kalibo Cathedral, piña and ati village. Nabas, Tangalan, Ibajay and Buruanga all accessible to transport have their own tourist sites that are very affordable compared to Boracay’s.


The brainstorming session recommends the following:

1. Private-Public Partnership: Closed coordination between organized stakeholders like Boracay Foundaton Inc., Boracay Transport Coop, Kalibo International Airport Transport Assn.) and concerned government agencies (DOT, DTI, DOTC – LTO, DENR, PNP, Philippine Coastguard/MARINA) and LGUs in the implementation of pertinent laws on tourism must be established.

2. Financial incentives through banking institutions for novel projects. 

For private stakeholders engaging in novel projects like river cruise and nautical tourism, medical tourism, agri-tourism, learn abaca/piña culture for cultural and technological exchanges are encouraged. The government offers liberal credit, tax incentives or tax holidays.

3. Improved road access to tourism sites as majority of waterfalls and sports sites like bamboo rafting, mountain biking and horseback riding trails are extremely difficult. Aklan provincial roads total 308 kms but 170 kms. are in bad shape. 

4. Media promotion and marketing of tourism sites in mainland Aklan. Kalibo Ati-atihan is outclassed and outranked by other festivals celebrated in the Visayas due to the inadequate and unfit marketing program. The promotion program has been left to a novice. Aklan, specifically LGU Kalibo must balance the effort of festival production with marketing thrust. /MP

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