Thursday, November 01, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Ati-atihan Festival 2013 Opening Salvo

The Opening Salvo of the Kalibo Sto. Niño Ati-atihan Festival 2013 was held last week. Body Painting competition was held on Sunday, Oct 28. There was Street Dancing in the afternoon of the same day around Pastrana Park, Poblacion, Kalibo where several tribes participated in their respective costumes dancing to the beats of their respective band. 

The following day, Monday, October 29, press conference was held at Mix ‘n Match Restaurant. Mr. Albert Meñez, chairman of the Kalibo Sto. Niño Ati-atihan Foundation, Inc. (KASAFI) presided the presscon with Mr. Augusto C. Tolentino – chairman, Media Affairs Committee. 

Meñez presented to the Aklan tri-media the preparation being made for the 2013 Kalibo Sto. Niño Ati-atihan Festival. With Tolentino, they disclosed who are the persons actively involved in the preparation and what are the preparations being prepared for the 2013 Ati-atihan Festival. 

Publicity & 

There are 16 committees actively preparing for the celebration. However, that is reduced to 15 after the Publicity and Communication Committee chaired by Mr. Boy Ryan Zabal was deleted as it duplicated the Media Affairs Committee Mr. Augusto C. Tolentino is chairing. 

Going over the committees with its chairmen and members, it is concluded every detail of the celebration is taken care of. 
 However, an Over Sight Committee will be necessary to handle any missing matter.

Ati Tribes

As of October 29, there are already 33 tribes which registered to participate in the contest. They are modern category – 7, Balik Ati category – 9, Tribal Small category – 8; and Tribal Big category – 9. 

Prizes and subsidies for the participating tribes has increased to P1,516,000 for 2013 compared to P1,448,000 of 2012 or an increased of P68,000. This increase however is for the prizes only. The subsidies are stable at a total of P704,000.

Tribal Big Group

The first prize for Tribal Big Group is P150,000 followed by second at P80,000; third prize of P50,000; and three consolation prizes at P10,000 each.

The first prize for Tribal Small group is P60,000 – first; P40,000 – second; P30,000 – third; and three consolation prizes at P8,000 each.

In the modern category, first – P50,000; second – P25,000; third - P15,000; and two consolation prizes at P5,000 each. 
The Balik Ati (Individual) will receive P3,000 each for the best five (5) and Special Awards for Higante Individual at P5,000 each for the best five (5).

Rules & Regulations

The 2013 Ati-atihan Contest Rules and Regulations are not only strict, it is also too much to comply with. There are 20 provisions in the rules the contestants must religiously comply with.

For instance, the rules state, “all participating groups must be ready to perform starting Monday morning, January 14, 2013 up to Friday, January 18, 2013”. They must follow the time schedule set. Obscene, derogatory or insulting placards or remarks are not allowed.

Participants wearing masks are obliged to register with the police. Each group are compelled to chant or shout in joy, triumph and in unison, “Viva Kay Señor Sto. Niño”. Uncovered body of the participants “must be covered with black soot”. No duplication of costumes of other groups among others. 

Lakan & Mutya

As of Monday, October 29, there are 12 registered contestants for Mutya It Kalibo Ati-atihan 2013 and also 12 for Lakan It Kalibo. These contestants are from Banga, Numancia, Makato, Batan, Ibajay, Kalibo, Balete, and Malay. There are also contestants from ASU-Banga, Aklan Polytechnic College, Akelco and CAAP.   /MP

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