Sunday, November 18, 2012

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Collegians Talk To AC

“Aklan Collegian’s Talk to AC” is a seminar workshop to be held in connection with the National Press Month Celebration in December. It will be held on Dec. 4, 2012 at the ACC Gymnasium, Aklan Catholic College (ACC). 

With the theme, “Students’ Press: Meeting the Demands of the New Environment”, it will discuss the: 1) The 2013 Midterm Elections, and 2) Some (Aklan) Provincial issues.

The seminar aims to familiarize provincial candidates in the forthcoming 2013 midterm elections and to discuss socio political, environment and other provincial issues and concerns.

This forthcoming seminar-workshop in Aklan Catholic College is a signal that the young generation of Aklanons are becoming conscious of their political obligation. This is a valuable development among the youth that the present corps of elected officials and politicians to consider. If their aim to participate and win in the midterm election in 2013 is to enrich themselves in office, own big breeds of cattle and swine, construct mansions and acquire luxury vehicles, they better reconsider their bid. Likewise, if their purposes are to get prestige, power, honors, and respect, I suggest to them to examine their conscience. What have they done while in the positions? What are the projects accomplished? What are the bills filled and enacted into laws? 


Garcia College of Technology (GCT), Kalibo, Aklan will also host the Aklan Private Schools Athletic Association (APRISAA) Literary – Musical Contests on Nov. 22, 2012. This will be held at the Don Florencio M. Garcia Memorial Hall, GCT, Estancia, Kalibo.

The contest is geared to hone the talents of the students in music and literature. It will also choose the representatives of Aklan to the Regional PRISAA meet scheduled in December 2012.

Center of Research

Atty. Allen S. Quimpo envisions to make Northwestern Visayan Colleges (NVC) Kalibo, Aklan to be the Center of Research in the Province of Aklan. Quimpo believes socio-economic political development will be in a standstill or very, very slow without research.

As a first step to realize this mission, officials and faculty of the NVC attended a one day research conference on Nov. 7, 2012. Dr. Eva Guanzon, NVC research coordinator and Dr. Ballena of De La Salle University facilitated the seminar workshop. At the end of the workshop, an NVC Research Agenda was crafted and approved. The Research Program consists of eight (8) research agenda, 24 areas of research and 72 topics of research.

Each research agenda has three research areas and one research area has three topics. These subjects of researches touch on the environment, social, political, and economic life of the people, tourism, agriculture and fisheries among others. 

Atty. Quimpo, NVC president has allocated a modest sum to start the implementation of the research program. A room is also identified in the RSQ Bldg. to temporarily serve as the research office.

This NVC research program maybe aimed to led the way in research planning and implementing our government agencies. It is so disheartening that the research data available are often in the macro level and that data therein are not valid for use to base decision making for the local level. Moreover, the data are of vintage age.

Too Slow

The Numancia-Kalibo Road Improvement Project is too slow. It is really disgusting to see man and machine idling in the construction site. When will our project implementers work on a regular and normal speed? This is neither to hurry them nor to bully the engineers and workers. Rather, let them realize their weakness. 

The public appreciated standard quality service. For more than one year now, this 3 kilometer Numancia – Kalibo road is still unfinished, very ugly and dangerous. Drainage is not connected. There are posts impeding the route. The road widening is sparsely done. Our leaders are always talking of “Global Competitiveness”, but the kind of engineering used in the Numancia – Kalibo road is the technology of about 60 years ago.

There is a semblance in the use of hi-tech, but the application is of antiquity. Our engineers must update themselves with the time. Go scientific, update the technology used. /MP

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