Friday, November 23, 2012

STI Spearheads IT Consciousness Week Celebration


STI College Kalibo, Aklan spearheaded the two-day program of Kalibo IT Consciousness Week last November 15-16, 2012. The celebration was held at the different designated venues around the town of Kalibo.

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) headed the Committee on Program and Promotions. Edsel Tupas, Career Adviser/Marketing Officer of STI College prepared a comprehensive program for the eight (8) participating schools in the province of Aklan. 

On November 15, the participating schools/colleges and sponsors held a motorcade around Kalibo. This was followed by a short program at APSTA Center. Engr. Diosdado P. Cadena, Jr, DTI Aklan Provincial Director gave the words of welcome. Kalibo Mayor William S. Lachica was represented by SB member Ariel Fernandez who delivered his message. Aklan Provincial Governor Carlito S. Marquez in his message said: “Use your skills to find a good job and be good at it, for once you are determined and responsible at what you do, you will be definitely be successful in your chosen career.”

After which, he presided the Induction of Officers of the 1st Kalibo Aklan Information Technology Enablers (KAITE) led by Mr. Noli Resterio, the first elected president. The closing remarks of Resterio – Aklan Catholic College (ACC) ended the program.

Other KAITE officers installed are: President – Noli Resterio (Aklan Catholic College); Vice-President – Jeff Clarin – ACC; Secretary; DTI PD Diosdado Cadena, Jr; Treasurer – Ms. Mevelyn R. Mendoza – Provincial Planning and Development Office; Auditor – Mr. Rommel M. Nejar – Garcia College of Technology. The members of the Board of Directors are Hernan de Honor – Aklan State University–CIT, Engr. Paul Erwin Sarabia – STI College Kalibo, Mr. Raul Bernasa – Kalibo Cable, and Mr. Jose Mari Aldecoa – Phil. Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Aklan Chapter.

TRANSCOM and TELETECH, Iloilo City facilitated the JOB’s Fair for Business Providers Outsourcing (BPO) Recruitment after the short program. 

Two alternative classes were held simultaneously in the afternoon at Venue 1 (APSTA Center) for the student delegates How to Write a Good Resume and Job Interview Tips and Netiquette was discussed by Ms. Kathy B. Lima, area manager of Smart Communications. At Venue 2 (STI College) for the IT Faculty and Personnel discussed the ICT Trend in the Philippines, Preparing Higher Education Institutions for IT-BPO Explosion by Dr. Jesse M. Gomez, School’s Division Superintendent of Aklan.

An Inter-School Competition was held on Friday, Nov. 16 at the Learning Resource Center (LRC), Kalibo Pilot Elementary School. All the IT participating schools/colleges in Aklan competed in Hardware Servicing, Digital Arts and Web Page Design followed. An IT Quiz Bowl was held with resounding success. /MP

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