Sunday, November 11, 2012

Volunteers Enjoy The Amazing World of Red Cross

by Chita de la Cruz-Heap

Ms. Aracely Pelayo - PRC Aklan provincial administrator (center) is receiving her Outstanding Service Award from Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino (left) and Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente (right)

It is not only the able and clever people who appreciate the amazing world of volunteerism. Anybody with a good heart who is given the chance to voluntarily offer their talent, skills and services to help others is indeed a good Samaritan. 

On Saturday 27th of October, the newly elected officers of Red Cross, Aklan Chapter were inducted. On that occasion, blood was not the issue, but one cannot help thinking about it. Wherever I looked, I saw almost everyone wearing a red shirt.
It was not the red shirts that amazed me however. It was the group of Kalibo Integrated Special Education Center (KISEC) Special Children with impaired hearing.

To commence the program, they interpreted the doxology being sang, the Pambansang Awit ng Pilipinas and the Aklan Hymn which they acted to perfection. Their interpretation was unbelievable. They also performed gracefully a dance which was truly remarkable. Despite of their being deaf, they nevertheless synchronized their dance to the tune of the music. How did they manage to do this?

Every human being is given a talent unique from each one of us. These young people from the KISEC are definitely blessed with talent, the reason they are considered special children.
Mrs. Sefalina D. Peralta read the Red Cross Fundamental Principles. Hon. Emmanuel Soviet de la Cruz, SB member of Kalibo and member – PRC Board of Directors, delivered his welcome message with panache and wit.

Dr. Cynthia de la Cruz, another PRC Board member introduced the guest of honor and inducting officer with both style and humor. Governor Carlito S. Marquez was unable to attend. He was represented by Atty. Diego M. Luces, Aklan Provincial Administrator who delivered the Governor’s message and inducted the 2012-2014 officers and Board of Directors members. The oath taking over, Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino, chairman, PRC Aklan Chapter delivered his inaugural address. 

Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente – Vice Chairman, and Atty Ronquillo Tolentino awarded the plaque for “Outstanding Service” to Mrs. Aracely Pelayo, PRC Aklan provincial administrator.

His guest whom Hon. Dela Cruz refers to himself as ‘Bayani’ (hero kuno), performed with zest and confidence.  He tried to over shadow the real ‘Bayani’ but no, because when the real ‘Bayani’ stood upon the podium, he acknowledged the impostor with grace.

The program culminated with a beautiful rendition from the ‘song bird’ of the PRC Aklan Chapter, Ms. Genevie Castillo. 
Ms. Charmaine Ling P. Chua displayed her talent as the witty mistress of the ceremony. /MP

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