Wednesday, December 05, 2012

“Transformers” In Local Governance

Kalibo, Aklan. Swivel chair technocrats and professional lecturers in government, the academe and the corporate world had started to popularize punchlines like “local government transformation” or “responsive local governance through transformative legislation”. 

Sounds awesome and foreign. But in fact the terms came too late.

Political leaders seeking elective positions have always in their mind once elected to “spell the difference”, or “effect change for the better”, which will mean “transformation” and make themselves “transformers”, particularly those in local governance.

The provincial government of Aklan is lucky to have “transformers” during the past nine years in both the executive and the legislative departments.


Without being aware of the “inside story” within the ruling local political party in Aklan why Aklan Gov. Carlito S. Marquez was relegated to being a nominee of the KASANGGA PARTYLIST come May 2013 election. He has the prior right to seek an elective regular congressional position to represent the lone district of Aklan, Marquez deserves the praise for his humility and too accomodating to the positions of his colleagues in the party.

Whatever happens to KASANGGA during the forthcoming elections, worse, if it fails to generate the votes required for an entitlement to a representative in Congress. I am sure, the outgoing Provincial Governor will be contented exiting Aklan politics thinking of the legacies he will be leaving to the Aklanons and the “transformation” he has achieved for the Province of Aklan.

Marquez will be contented with the thought of leaving the helm of leadership after making “transformations” in provincial governance:

1. Aklan joined the elite “billionaires” club among provinces in term of annual budget during the last three years of his 3-terms with annual income nearing a billion pesos every year;

2. Transformed the provincial government of Aklan into a first class province, although the Bureau of Local Government Finance of the Department of Finance has still to come up with the latest income Classification of LGUs;

3. Even before the 2012 ends, he has already achieved his One Million tourists arrival target in the resort island of Boracay with almost one-half (1/2) of the visitors are foreigners. This will translate into some P20 billion in tourism receipts, more a boon to the national economy rather than the provincial economy;

4. Turned the P40 million bond floration of the provincial government which financed the construction of the Caticlan Jetty Port and terminal into the books of “succes stories” of the Department of Finance. The bond had long been redeemed. Marquez further engaged the provincial government into a bond flotation worth P260 million to finance the expansion of the said port.

5. Jetty ports and terminals in Caticlan, Malay and Cagban, Boracay are the biggest earning economic units of the Economic Enterprise Development Department (EEDD). The EEDD itself is the brainchild of Marquez.  Definitely, it was not a ploy to skirt the limitation for personal services imposed by law on local government units. But, it was a necessity as the provincial government cannot be able to adequately staff the expanded services and requirements of a truly innovative and dynamic local government unit;

6. Marquez has introduced novel innovations in the agriculture services and production like the rice hybridization program and the Lambaklad projects in the fishery sector;

7. The provincial government of Aklan has prominently placed itself under his stewardship in the regional and national evaluation for the Gawad ng Pamana ng Lahi and the Seal of Good Housekeeping;

8. He changed the face of the seat of provincial governance, the Provincial Capitol, by facelifting the facilities thereat; and

9. Aklan LGU has been agressive in its borrowings to finance its social and economic development projects as financial institutions placed premium on the credit worthiness of Aklan as the province has soundly managed its debt servicing that earned banks’ trust and confidence to grant  loans.


Highly touted to banner the cause of the opposition against the ruling party of Marquez and Cong. Florencio T. Miraflores, the two-termer Vice Governor displayed a deep sense of humility and self-sacrifice. Instead of aspiring for higher position, Vice Governor Quimpo opted to run for reelection coalescing with Marquez and Miraflores. She said it is the best for Aklan and her people given the circumstances.

She is pressed to accomplish what he has not accomplished yet in the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, a  decent Legislative Building that can house all the amenities and facilities of a truly legislative body such as offices for its members and a Library where to archive legislative records.

Using her experience in the corporate world and as Aklan’s representative to Congress, she transformed the provincial legislative body to an institution worthy of respect and recognition as one of the pillars in local governance.

She may not always agree with the Chief Executive as far as policy directions are concerned, yet she can work amidst the diversity in foresight and processes.

She automated the facilities of the legislative body, equipped with internet and website facilities, attempted to perfect electronic sessions and the passage of mandatory local codes such as the Children’s Code, Environment Code, Tourism Code, Investment Incentive Code, Revenue Code, Rules of Procedure in Administrative Cases and the Code of General Ordinances and the Executive Legislative Agenda.

She made sure that legislative processes are observed such as committee and public hearings, among others.

She made the present SP distinct and really different. (by ODON S. BANDIOLA)/MP

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