Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Reveal Notorious Person’s Identity

I wish to sincerely thank Dr. Jesse M. Gomez, Schools Division Superintendent, DepEd, Aklan for sending me his immediate reply to my letter request.

The EF received an unsigned letter from Numancia. The letter, among others told about a teacher in Numancia who is the subject in some police blotter reports and the Brgy. chairman of Poblacion, Numancia. The author of the letter who did not reveal his identity failed to point out any specific offense that teacher committed. He gave the burden of identifying that teacher to me. Moreover, the letter writer revealed that teacher is also popular in the Provincial Prosecutor’s office, Kalibo, Aklan.

Well, if you know this man, Mr. Letter Writer, reveal his name. It is your duty to the community. You will be helping the community if you divulge his identity. If you cannot reveal it, you are damaging the reputation of that person, of the office, DepEd Numancia. Why don’t you divulge his true identity so that appropriate action can be given? If not, then you are coward, useless to the community people.

Institute Corrective Measure

Dr. Jesse M. Gomez merely responded to my letter informing me what must “an ordinary complaint shall contain”. The complaint must identify that person’s full name, address of complainant, full name and address of respondent, facts of omission allegedly committed by the respondent and statement that no administrative action or complaint against the same party involving similar acts has been filed before any agency.

So, under Section 3.6 of the DECS Service Manual 2000, the said letter failed to comply with the requirements as to form and contents and therefore shall be dismissed. Hence, Dr. Gomez did not act on the letter except to inform me of the requirements before a superior officer like him may act on the matter. Dr. Gomez did not institute any action to correct the alleged wrong that teacher is committing, and to maintain the favorable image of DepEd office in Numancia.

Meanwhile, that teacher alleged to be the frequent subject in the Police Blotter may continue doing his thing.

The least Dr. Gomez could do is to identify that teacher to himself and give proper advises and even counseling in order to curtail objectionable things and maintain favorable image of DepEd, the teaching and administrative staff in Numancia. 

Kasangga Scholarship

Responding to the request of the Rotary Club of Kalibo for scholarship assistance in behalf of the poor but deserving sons and daughters of incapable  parents to finance college education Kasangga Party List Rep. Teodorico T. Haresco wrote: “The on-going scholarship program of Kasangga with the Commission on Higher Education is presently committed to scholars in the different colleges and universities in the Province of Aklan. We will accommodate the seven (7) scholars that you requested by 2013”.

How can Cong. Haresco commit the resources vis-à-vis  the 2013 scholarship fund of Kasangga?

First, his term as Kasangga Partylist representative will expire on June 30, 2013 and the 2012-2013 school year will end March 2013.

Second, he is not a nominee of Kasangga Partylist for the May 2013 election; Third, Kasangga Partylist congressman after the May 2013 election has the authority over a Kasangga Partylist Fund; and Fourth, since Haresco is no longer Kasangga Partylist Congressman in the 2013-2014 school year, he will have no say over the Kasangga fund. 

Perhaps, the members and officers of the Rotary Club of Kalibo are appreciative of his response to the request as it gave a promise, yet if ever Cong. Haresco donates scholarship fund, it will come from other sources. Thank you very much Cong. Haresco. /MP

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