Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NSO Revisits Families For Income-expenditure Survey

To complete the one year income and expenses data of sample families, the National Statistics Office (NSO) in Aklan will be conducting a second visit for 2012 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) starting this January 14, 2013.

The 2012 FIES is a nationwide survey of households, which aims to gather data on the income distribution, levels of living and spending patterns of Filipino families.

Twelve barangays in Aklan are selected as samples in this survey. These are Brgy. Poblacion (Altavas), Brgy. Morales (Balete), Brgy. Lapnag (Banga), Brgy. Bay-ang, Mambuquiao and Mandong (Batan), Brgy. Tigayon (Kalibo), Brgy. Poblacion (Madalag), Brgy. Nagustan, Pinatuad, Solido (Nabas), Brgy. Dumaguit (New Washington), Brgy. Albasan and Badio (Numancia), and Brgy. Afga and Jawili (Tangalan).

According to Mr. Blas M. Solidum, Provincial Statistics Officer, about 800 items are included in the FIES questionnaire such as expenditures on food, clothing, electricity, household equipment, health, transport, communication, education, restaurants, and miscellaneous goods and services. Likewise, housing characteristics, social protection, sources of income whether in cash or in kind are also incorporated. 

Solidum also said that data derived from FIES provide the basic source of information for the estimation of the household account in the System of National Accounts and balances, measurement of the Human Development Index (HDI), measurement of poverty, and measurement of levels of living of different sections of the population and disparities in levels of living across geographical regions and socio-economic groups.

“The survey involves an interview of a national sample of about 50, 000 households. This sample is deemed sufficient to provide reliable estimates of income and expenditure levels for each region, including Western Visayas,” Solidum said.

The 2012 FIES is a rider to the 1st Quarter Labor Force Survey conducted also this January.

Solidum appeals to local government officials, especially to all respondents to support and cooperate in this data gathering by giving the needed correct and reliable information to NSO’s data collectors. 

He assured household respondents that all information furnished to NSO, thru its field personnel, or interviewers will be held “strictly confidential” and cannot be used for taxation, investigation or law enforcement purposes. /MP

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