Thursday, March 07, 2013

Young Man And Woman In A Hurry

If I were to decide for them, I would rather let them stay as members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Aklan by running for reelection as provincial legislators come May 2013 election.

On their first term as local legislators, the two had proven their worth. I should know because I am their SP secretary. The very youthful duo as legislators had proven to be very productive. People of Aklan still need them at this chamber because of their industry, responsiveness to people’s needs, intellect and dedication to their mandate the Aklanons entrusted them during the 2010 elections. 

I am referring to SP members Victor Manuel M. Garcia and Phoebe Clarice L. Cabagnot, both children of prominent political personalities of the past who have done so well in laying the social, political and econ omic foundation of Aklan, the late Governor Roberto Q. Garcia and the late Gov.Corazon Tumbokon Legaspi Cabagnot.

Name recall and their performance as first termer SP members to include sympathy votes will ensure their victory hands down as local legislators had they opted to stay and run for reelection.

Unfortunately, the duo seems to be in a hurry. At their youthful age, we cannot do away from them their idealism and principles in leadership, virtues and traits already long abdicated in the arena of our electoral system. 

Ranged against formidable opponents, both certainly face the roughest of all sails, lacking the machinery and resources which the dominant local political party had and appears to be very well-oiled and too influential that Aklan politics had become monolithic with no decent opposition to speak of.

Ranged against incumbent Vice Gov. Billie C. Quimpo, it would not be an easy fight for SP member Garcia. The incumbent has a solid bailiwick in Balete which remains a feudal state where one only counts the landlords and whom they support. 

Vic Garcia has a very clannish bailiwick in Ibajay but he is running in opposition to his uncle’s political lordship, Rep. Joeben Miraflores, who is running for governor in tandem with Billie Quimpo. Joeben has proven time and again that he can rally Ibajaynons behind him and the candidates in his slate. Vic’s older brother, Jun, opposed Billie’s reelection bid for vice governor in 2010 and Jun only managed to tie the votes Billie got in Ibajay. It would then be a very tall order for Vic to gain the upperhead in Ibajay. As my two bosses face squarely against each other, mine is a very awkward feeling.    

In like manner, Nheng Cabagnot is also facing an uphill battle for Aklan’s lone congressional seat against the generally considered rich opponent in Nonong Haresco, Joeben’s first cousin, whose bailiwick is the vote-rich Ibajay.

With Balete and Ibajay solidly behind Nonong’s candidacy, it is not clear where Nheng can pick up the back up votes.

At 34, a BA Communication Research Alumna of UP Diliman, Nheng can become a great loss of the Aklan SP, same with the 41 year old Vic, a BSBA graduate of University of Santo Tomas. 

I’ll be the happiest had they opted to run for reelection. But the die is cast, I wish them Godspeed. They can be our political leaders of tomorrow.  /MP

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