Friday, July 12, 2013

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

OFW Savings & Investment In Jeopardy

“Help others. This is the best way to feel important, recognized, appreciated and full of vitality”, Danilo Ponce said. Do you believe in this?

There are those who believed on this. A person who can help others has the vitality. They are appreciated; they are recognized. 

But there are those who are envious and jealous. There are those who are insecure and there are those who block someone’s progress.

And these kind of attitude, this style of living and this management style are retrogressive. The Philippines cannot progress if neighbors and government officials impede a competitor and even a friend or relative in the pursuit of enterprise.

Some few years ago, hog and poultry raising were flourishing industries in Aklan. However, it did not take long and the industry collapsed. 

The neighbors who were envious of the progress the growers were gaining complained of the seemingly deteriorating sanitary condition in the place where poultry and swine projects were located. The first option to solve the problem is to close the project. These happened in several places like the piggery project in Lezo, Aklan. The people in the neighborhood complained, the project was closed. The poultry project in Tangalan was closed because the neighbors complained of air pollution.

The people in authority, and neighbors did not advise the project owners to follow scientific way of poultry and swine productions to maintain sanitary condition in the place of the project. In Japan, a progressive country maintains poultry and swine projects even in thickly populated area. There is no complaint as they follow scientific production methods. 
Today, Aklan is importing its chicken and eggs requirement from other provinces to supply the food needs of the people. 

Metallica Marine Consultancy Case

The latest case is the Metallica Marine Consultancy (MMC) case in New Washington, Aklan.

On April 30, 2013, New Washington Mayor Edgar R. Peralta called the attention of Engr. Jonathan R. Salvador about the “shipyard, resort and cruise ship business that it operates sans Mayor’s Permit, Business Permit and Environmental Compliance Certififcate”. Hence, Salvador was required to explain in writing “within 24 hours why the aforesaid business establishment should not be issued a closure order”. 

On May 1, 2013, Engr. Salvador responded to Mayor Peralta: “I have Business Permit Nos. 00-052-2013 and 00-054-2013 for Dumaguit – Batan Ferries Corporation and Metallica Marine Consultancy & Fabrications Services…the fees were paid on January 21, 2013 and January 21, 2013 under OR Nos. 36838398 and 3683900, and OR No. 3685689 dated April 16, 2013.”  

Shipyard, and cruiseship are pioneering businesses in Aklan which deserve all assistance possible especially from the local government unit, the office in charge with enforcement of pertinent laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. 

These businesses are pioneering ventures which must be encouraged. It deserves all the assistance possible so that progress is enhanced not only for the owners but for the community and people.

Engr. Salvador is a former OFW who learned technologies abroad now being implemented in New Washington. He saved his money earned and invested it in New Washington. This is one kind of OFW who deserves admiration, respect and to be emulated. For his activities and his decision to go home for good, Engr. Salvador was conferred the “Most Outstanding Aklanon Award”.

But not in New Washington, for his pioneering projects, Salvador was to be issued “closure order” for his inability to secure Mayor’s Permit and Environmental Compliance Certificate.

If New Washington is really interested for the progress of its people and community, the LGU New Washington could assist Engr. Salvador comply with the law and other requirements so his business will continue operating to serve the people. If not, Salvador’s savings and investment will be in jeopardy.

Our returning OFWs need all the encouragement to open their own respective business, make business operation easy for them, assist if possible so that they will remain useful, loving and faithful to their community and the Philippines. /MP 

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