Wednesday, August 14, 2013

DA 6 Hosts 2013 National Mid-Year Performance Assessment Workshop

Iloilo City – The Department of Agriculture (DA) 6 hosted the four-day national mid-year performance assessment workshop at Amigo Terrace Hotel on August 5-8, 2013.

A total of 110 planning and monitoring officers coming from all regions and DA central office and attached bureaus and agencies converged to assess and determine the level of performance of DA, in terms of physical accomplishment in lieu of the performance-based assessment of the department and its operating units (OUs)

According to DA 6 Regional Executive Director Larry P. Nacionales, proper planning, target setting and budget allocation are critical in delivering effective and efficient results that will redound to increase production and income of farmers, reduce postharvest losses and eventually reaching food sufficiency.
According to Dir. Nacionales, correct information and good statistics are needed by officials of the DA to guide them in making sound decisions and forecast priority programs and projects the farmers need most.

“I already commissioned the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) to look into specific projects such as community based composting facility (CBCF), farm machineries, nutrient management and irrigation facilities whether they really reach our farmers and are being used by them.” Nacionales added.

 He challenged the planning officers not to focus on obligation of the budget, instead they should focus on the implementation of the programs and projects for the farmers.

Meanwhile, Assistant Secretary Romeo Recide said that as planning officers, they should be prepared to explain the performance of their respective agencies.

ASEC Recide stressed that programs and projects should be in line in achieving self sufficiency and reducing poverty among the populace.

 The four-day activities centered on the assessment of each OUs whether the programs and projects are contributing to the change as designed to results and examine bottlenecks of the projects implementation. /MP

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